none of you

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" Aseem? " She cried.
" Aseem don't do it." Alfez said. Shaheen followed Safeena.
" I -- should -- go "
" No , please Aseem , I can't live without you --"
" You can , I know it will hurt for some days, but then it won't. You will eventually move on. I know you will."
" Aseem no , I can't."
" Safeena let me go."
" Why?! We went through all that just to end it here? When we are so close to make it?! Aseem? I ran away with you because I wanted to. I chose you. Now you can't back off. You asked me to marry you didn't you? Now what about that? Don't break us." She shouted.
" And what? Live my whole life in guilt that I couldn't give you anything? Safeena, I want you to have everything and it's only possible when I am not in your way. "
" You are insane. Don't you dare break us. Please don't break us. Please?!" She cried. He turned the other way.
" I can't look at her." He said to Alfez.
" Aseem, please? Stay?" She tried to turn him back towards her. When he didn't turn , she hugged him from behind.
" I understand what you must going through Aseem. But you just can't let go of us , I need you to be by my side. And I know that you need me too. Please?"
He held it for some time and turned around immediately and hugged her tightly.
" I am sorry." He cupped her face and wiped her tears.
He kissed her then.
" I will miss you so much. My life would always be incomplete without you. Right now I can tell you only one thing, I would never fall in love again, it's always going to be you."
" Aseem -- please don't --"
" Don't follow me. Stay here."
" No no -- Aseem come back."
" Please do this last thing for me. Let me go."
" Aseem please -- Aseem ! Aseem! "
He started walking away.
" Aseem ! Please come back. Aseem don't leave me."
" Aseem"
" If you love me , you have to let me go." He said.
" Aseem don't go. Please!"
He didn't turn around once. Alfez tried so hard to stop him.
" You can't do this to me. Aseem! Don't take me for granted like this."
" Take you for granted?!" He turned around.
" Yes! Now , when I am asking you to stay , you are not listening to me. When I had asked you to leave, you wanted to stay!"
" When?!"
" The time when I found out about you."
" Safeena that was different."
" What different?!! I am here begging you not to go. Not to leave me, and look at you."
" Safeena you don't understand -- it's for your own good."
" I know what is good for me Aseem. You don't decide that for me."
" Then you don't decide everything for me. I want to leave."
" Seriously?! You -- you want to leave?!"
" I am tried of all this. I can't look at you saving me all the time risking your everything!"
" But that's what supposed to be ."
" No it's not! What do we do except find ways for not getting caught! I am tried of all this. I can't do it anymore. I am freeing you."
" Freeing me? Aseem, I don't want to be free from you. Are you insane? What are you thinking?!"
" I just can't !"
" You are being selfish."
" Selfish?"
" Yes, you can't handle the guilt you have so you are leaving!"
" Safeena , it works both ways then. You are being selfish too! You want me to stay and what about me? Do you think about me? I can't do this anymore!"
" Me ?! You are tried of this, and now you are leaving. What about me? Have you thought about it? What about me after you?"
" Safeena I am doing this for you."
" Aseem, how can I stay here knowing that you are leaving because of me."
" I have to."
" Who is standing with a sword on your neck?!"
" You don't decide."
" Aseem -"
" You decide everything for us? Don't you? "
" Don't repeat the thing that happened in the morning, I apologised for it but I will do everything to save you ."
" That's what I don't want."
" Aseem"
" I am leaving."
" Don't turn your back on me." She yelled
" I should have turned my back on you ages ago." He yelled back.
There was a pitch silence for a minute.
" Take that back."
" Aseem take that back! Do you think all of this was a mistake?"
" Yes I do. It was my mistake! I was not supposed to fall in love with you. But I did."
" Aseem do you know what are you saying right now?! Or else you are so desperate to leave that you are talking rubbish?!"
He didn't say anything.
" Aseem, answer me. You really think all this was a mistake?! You regret us?"
" Don't just stand still, answer me "
She shoved him.
" Safeena , don't -" Shaheen asked her to calm down.
" No Shaheen stay out of this."
" Aseem , don't you -- Aseem." She cried.
He stood there speechless.
" Aseem! Talk! Safeena, it's not like it, he really loves you a lot. Aseem tell her!" Alfez said.
When Aseem didn't utter a single word, she lost it.
" Go "
" Go , you wanted to go? Go . Get away from me. Don't ever show me your face again. Get lost . Go !" She yelled crying.
" I said, Go. If I see you again -- I will-- I will -- just go. We are over. We are over , forever. Leave."

There, Aseem and Safeena parted ways.
" Safeena -!"
" Aseem " Alfez and shaheen called them out but none of them listened.
" I know Aseem was wrong , he should have listened." Alfez said.
" Safeena just jumps on to conclusions very quickly. If she had a convinced him a little more instead of blasting with rage , he would have stayed."
" My brother is really very stupid. He did so much for her and now --"
" My sister is a very bad tempered woman."
" It was Aseem 's fault totally."
" It was my sister."
" Safeena was right ."
" No , Aseem was right."
" Just wait ! Why are we fighting over them ?!"
" Right. I will talk to her."
" I will talk to him too."

Frustrated her , she walked back in the palace. She walked in the room, she went towards the window feeling restless. She started throwing things at the wall. Listening to the noise, Shaheen ran up to her.
" Safeena?! What are you doing?!"
" Why did he do that?! He went away leaving me here. I left everything for him why he couldn't just stay?!"
" Safeena calm down."
" I can't ! Shaheen. He -- he was right. Whatever he said, was right. I know -- that--"
" Safeena --"
She cried.
" I have nothing left , none of him."
" Yesterday, we were happy, together and now-- he is gone. What went so wrong?"
" Safeena come here, stop it. I know it's hard, but you can't stay on the same page for long right? He is not going to come back."
" Why? How do you know that?"
" Because you asked him not to."
" No "
" He wouldn't have gone too far."
" I don't care. He wanted to leave , and I let him. I am not going after him."
" Safeena , don't behave like this. Just try to be in his position."
" He should know mine."
" Trust me he knows."

" Aseem? " Alfez searched for him everywhere. After a very long time, He finally saw him sitting on a fallen branch in the middle of the forest.
" Aseem? Why did you do that?! You shouldn't have done that. Go and talk to her. Aseem? Aseem?! I am talking to you !"
" Aseem? Are you--"
He checked upon him.
" Aseem, you have a high fever , are you alright?! Aseem? Let's go back."
" Alfez wait."
" What now?"
" We shouldn't go."
" Shut up, you have already done enough. "
" Don't go back to the palace"
" And what? We can't go back to Hastipur now, it will take at least 2 days. Aseem come on can you walk?"
" No Alfez no."
" Aseem what's going on?! I can't take this now. Shut up and come."
" I hurt her Alfez, I can't show her my face again. She has asked me not to."
" Aseem, you know why she said that. Just stop this madness and go back to her. I really don't know why you did this when you knew you couldn't take it." Aseem ducked his face.
" Aseem stop crying now."
" I can't go without her. You can go back to Hastipur, I will stay here and look after her without her noticing me."
" Have you really lost your mind?!"
" Alfez I --"
" Continue that when you are okay."
Alfez picked him up and started walking towards the palace.
" Alfez dont--"
" Shut your mouth please."
" Noo hh--"

Alfez rushed into the palace.
" Please can someone help us , he is sick."
" Alfez please don't --"
" Please please, I need some wet cloth , please. Is there a place I can lay him down?"
" You?" Everyone was shocked to see them.
" I know but please right now, it's an emergency, please. "
" No Alfez! "
" Aseem stay still."
" Here you can lay him down."
Alfez laid him down. Aseem started pulling Alfez's hand.
" Let me see if someone can get Safeena down here."
" Alfez please don't call her, I can't face her , Alfez please. Alfez!- "
" Aseem as I said , you have already done enough. Now just rest. Don't talk much."

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