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It was late at night, there was silence everywhere . You could only hear the crickets singing and footsteps of soldiers making rounds. Everyone else was fast asleep but there was one person awake .

Agastya was making knots out of the long rope he had. He attached a strong wooden thick branch at the tip cut in a specific way.
" It has to be stronger" he said to himself.
" I have a lot of work pending. I don't even know which one yet." He hid the rope in his room and snuck out .
He made his way out and searched for the other side of the palace.
" This should be it "
He went towards the corridor and saw two guards fast asleep near the entrance of the corridor.
" Nice " He stayed there to look at them some more time and went back .

The next morning he visited again to same place as last night.
He saw two different guards standing near the entrance.
" Hey you !" He turned around so see another guard looking at him suspiciously.
" What are you doing here?"
" I am lost" Agastya said .
" Don't ever come back here, this isn't a place you want to be. Next time I see you here, you are going in through those doors into prison."
" I understand, can you tell me where the warehouse is. We all students need new weapons." He said this without any fear on his face .
" Straight from here and then a right."
" Thank you "

He smiled and went towards the warehouse. He saw all types of stuff in there, new swords , bows , shields, armors , battle clothes and many more. He looked around carefully. He took a bag which was already kept there and started filling it with the weapons .
" Why are you everywhere?!" Someone said . He looked behind to see her .
" Why do you keep following me ? Can't live without seeing my face princess?"
" You really think highly of yourself, don't you?"
" Huh!" He said and continued his work .
" Why are you here?!" She asked him.
" What do you need?" He asked.
" I will get it myself "
" Go ahead "
" Are you stealing?" She asked
" Why would theif in a broad daylight with guards around try to steal weapons and respond to you asking this question as yes, I am stealing! Do you want to join?"
She folded her hands looking at him with frustration.
" Are you this dumb?" He asked.
" Shut up!" She yelled
" Pass me that dagger please."
" I wish I could pass it through your chest " she said to herself.
" Did you say anything?"
" To you? Hell no!"
She took the dagger and went towards him.
" Here" She was about to give and then she took it back.
" Why do you want this then ?"
" I am planning to kill you "
" Oh is it ? Thank you for letting me know "
" Sure my pleasure princess."
He snatched the dagger from her hand and kept in the bag.
" Care to help me?" He asked her while lifting the bag.
" No " A straight no. She said that without any expression on her face.
" Fine. Open the door for me atleast."
She pulled the door once . It won't open, she tried again with more force .
" Don't tell me you can't even open that door for me "
" It's jammed and I am trying."
" I didn't know you were this frail. Yesterday you almost knocked me down."
" Will you shut your mouth please "
He put the bag down and was walking towards her as she was trying.

She pulled it so hard that the door opened wide which pushed her behind with great force .
At the same time agastya was right behind her. She went back directly on him and both of them fell down.
Both of them gave a shout.
" My head!" He said.
" Get off from me !" He told her
" I am trying to " She rolled over from him to the other side.
" Are you okay ?" He asked her.
" I am "
" Okay " He got up and offered her his hand for her to get up. She refused his hand and got up on her own .
" Okay " he smiled and took the bag and they both headed out .

" You are heavy" he said
" You are weak " she said.
" Man you have answers for everything"
" What where you doing there?"
He showed her the bad he was carrying.
" Why are you so -" she was totally frustrated with him
" Handsome?"
" Unresistable?"
" Irritating" she shouted.
He laughed
" Don't laugh "
" It's fun"
" I will show you fun"
" Not a right time to fight princess look where we are going."
She looked at the practice field where her grandfather was waiting.
" Agastya right on time "
" Here are the weapons you ordered"
" Good keep it there "
" Yeah"
" You told him to get these ?" She asked her grandfather
" Yes "
" Alright" He sensed the disappointment in her voice.
" Safeena , I need you to stop doubting him."
She nodded.
" Both of you can leave now ."

They were walking together
" Let's just forget everything and have a fresh start . " He suggested.
" I don't want to "
" Come on "
" One day I am going to find out the truth about you "
" There is nothing "
" You want to bet ?"
" It's nothing like that okay ?"
" If you cause any harm to my family I will not -"
" Do I look like that ? I am not going to harm you or your family or anyone here you understand?"
" I Don't "
" I know what's family . I won't take yours got it ? "
Saying that he left and she kept wondering if she was wrong about him . But some things didn't leave her mind. Him being in the forest at night , she caught him digging something and then him being here like the other students. It's all something that wasn't adding up. If he was a prince why would he be in the forest digging ? Why would he hide ? Why he was telling her to stay out of his way ? Why did he make a deal with her not to open her mouth about that hole she found out ? What is all that ?
These questions were wandering in her mind all day .

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