after you

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After their tight hug, Safeena saw him climbing up the wall as fast as possible. He stopped right before getting down on the other side. He looked at her one last time and jumped right down. Then he and his brother immediately ran towards the tunnel and went inside it. On the other hand , safeena was standing still looking at the wall.
" Princess!" Some one called her from behind. She turned around to see minister Hassan.
" I know what you did ! Where is Alfez and your lover ? Where are they ?"
She didn't answer at all .
" Tell me ! You did this! Where are they ?!"
When she didn't answer him , he called out other soldiers.
" Check the forest! Go ! Bring me those brothers !"
The entire palace was messed up. Everyone was searching for Alfez. Nobody knew that Alfez was the brother of the person who was pretending to be prince Agastya. No-one ever thought that their beloved Agastya was his brother and they both ran away.
" I am going to tell the king and your grandfather everything! Everything!"
She looked at him.
" I am going to let you get away with this! I am going to bring them both back in here, watch me !" He yelled.
" No ! They are innocent let them go "
" Never!"
" Stop. I won't let you take them back again . They are free now , let them be ."
" Then you will pay. "
" What?"
" Yes , you will pay for this. I don't want to get caught in this. Your father will question me. I was responsible for Alfez , my men lost their eye on him and I am not going to suffer for this. "
" Stop it "
" You are going to pay for this , if they don't get caught. If you want to be safe, Bring your lover back. "
" Hassan !" She yelled at him when he walked away.

She went weeping towards her room.
" Sister? Did you hear? Our father's attacker has escaped."
" I know " safeena replied.
" Father asked us to stay together. There can be danger everywhere. "
" Okay "
" What happened? Did you cry ?"
" No I am fine "
" Did you see Agastya? I heard he is missing. What if he is in danger?"
" I don't know "
" Come let's go to your room "

When they entered her room, Shaheen could see only the mess.
" What have you done to your room? It's never like this. Did you fight with someone here?" Shaheen exclaimed.
" No . I will clean up tomorrow. I want to sleep."
" Okay"
When she laid on the bed, her sheets were smelling like him more than her.
She started missing him so much that she cried silently without letting her sister know.
It was morning and her sister had already left. She woke up late today.
She started cleaning her room after she got all cleaned up.

While she was cleaning, she found a folded paper placed in her cupboard.
She opened to see that it's a letter from none other than Assem.

" Dear Safeena,
This letter is for you. I wanted you to get this after I leave. I hope you understand why I had to go. I would forever remember on how you helped me in all this. You have been the light in my life. My life used to be ordinary, simple with nothing new. You came in as a storm in my life and never left. I had started dreaming about us. About our future. I wished it had been better. I was never supposed to fall in love with you. I was supposed to come , get my brother out and leave. But I did fall in love. With you. I am so grateful for it. This love never dies. I know I am so far away from you but still I am there. I love you with all my heart. I am so proud of myself that I was loved by you. If you need me , I want you to come to me or call me there.
Here is a poem for you, by me.
" Where the river ends, the mountains begins stands a cowboy on his horse.
Where the winds blow in the north through the grasslands, pleasant sunsets wait for us there I stand with my love for you overflowing from my hands. Miles and miles after running, I stopped at a single sign from you, because you my dear, are my life."

My dear princess, I love you so much that I might die from it. How I am going to live my life without you , God knows! I wish our situation was different, then I would have married you and taken you with me. But I won't force you to do anything. You will eventually fall in love with someone else who will make you happy more than I do. I would really be happy if you are happy. That much is my love for you.
You take care of yourself girl, don't get yourself in any trouble, I am not  going to be there to take you out of them.  Safeena, I wish you all the happiness in this world. May all your dreams come to find you.

Only yours,
Assem ."

She cried out reading his letter for her.
" How can someone else love me more than you do ?"
She carefully placed the letter in her cupboard under her clothes to keep it safe from others.
" Princess?" Someone knocked.
" Yes?" She immediately wiped her tears and opened the door.
" You have been called by the minister"
" What? He can't send me orders, ask him to come here ."
" He has strictly asked for you princess. "
" Coming " she answered.

She walked in her pride to him.
" What "
" Did you find them ?"
" No "
" Where is your lover Princess?"
" I don't know"
" The news of Prince Agastya missing has circulated all over. I have already told your father about him and Alfez being brothers. We checked his room, we got paintings on his wall about the escape. "
" So?"
" This is not the work of only one person princess. He was your lover, and you helped him."
" Stop "
" Your grandfather is furious by Agastya 's betrayal. And so will he when he hears about how his own granddaughter helped a criminal."
" Shut your mouth!" She yelled .
" It's you who should. I have all the cards princess. "
She breathed heavily.
" I can offer my help to you, if you want. "
" What do you want ?"
" I want you to marry my son."
" What ?!" She shouted
" Marry my son. Once you both get married, he will become the king after your father. And I want that."
" You are so cruel and greedy."
" You can't say that to me , you are the one you helped a criminal."
" He is not a criminal. "
" Is it a yes or a no ?"
She didn't respond.
" Princess? Yes or no ?"
" No "
" Alright then , see you in jail."
" Wait, what ?"
" You heard me right. In jail. Do you really think your grandfather would tolerate this ? You betrayed him. He is not going to see that you are his family. Rules are equal to everyone. Princess."
She was a little scared.
" Once we find those brothers they are dead on the spot. Your love story ends here princess. I warned you before, he is going to put you in danger and leave you. You should have listened to me."
" You will never find them."
" We will see but right now I think you should look after yourself."

Safeena Where stories live. Discover now