love for you

17 4 9

He picked her up and put her on the bed.
" Sit. " He instructed.
" Why?"
She sat on the edge of the bed thinking that they are going to have a wonderful time like yesterday. But She saw him looking for something.
" What are you looking for?"
He brought her towel sized dry cloth for her wet hair. He stood up straight against her and started drying her hair.
" What are you doing?" She giggled.
" I don't want my princess to get cold. This is my service to you my honour"
" My honour?" She laughed.

He was the man she always carved for. She wanted someone to take care of her as she did for everyone she loved. She was waiting for someone to hold her without asking. At that moment she fell so hard for him.
She hugged his stomach feeling so grateful for him.

" What happened princess?"
" Nothing "
" Okay it's done now get up "

Once she got out of the bed he jumped on her bed and laid down.
" Hey! My bedsheet is all wet! At least dry yourself first" she scolded him.
" This is what you care about right now? Your bedsheet? "
She gave him a look.
" Look at this charming face of mine , look at this gorgeous wet body lying on your bed and look at you wasting your time princess. That is what you should care about."
" Oh ! Oh! Charming face huh?"
" Of course, couldn't take your eyes off me? "
She was almost smiling.
" You really think highly of yourself ."
" I don't think, princess, I am ." He laughed at her.
" Of course I think highly of myself, after all I am your man ." he smirked.
She was very happy to hear his answer.

He then opened his arms, looked at her and said,
" Do whatever you want princess, I am all yours "
" All mine?"
" All yours "
She hopped on the bed with him.

She sat on his stomach with her legs on either side.
He grabbed the back of her neck and pulled her mouth closer to his. He paused there.
" What?"
" What?" He repeated her words.
" Why did you stop?" She asked .
" I am memorising this moment"
He then kissed her. He rolled her over. She giggled.
" You are a mad person" she said.
" Because of you "
" We don't have much time , you have to get out before it's too late."
" It was your words. Once you get in , there is no going back."
" But --"
He kissed her again to stop her from talking.

" Listen? " he politely asked.
" Yes?"
" What will you do if I go away?"
" What do you mean? I won't let you go away from me."
" But if I had to go then?"
" Then I will come with you "
" Really?"
" Yes."
" Will you run away with me?"
" Yes "
" Are you even thinking?"
" I am . I will come with you "
" What about your dreams?"
" I want to go on wars. I want to fight. But I can do that from anywhere right?"
" You would do that for me?"
" Yes."
" I love you so much "
" Why did you ask this to me today?"
" No reason."
" Are you leaving?"
" No--"
" But you won't leave me right? Please don't leave me . " She insisted.
" I won't. I won't leave you unless you tell me to"
" I won't tell you to leave ."
He nodded and kissed her forehead.

They both stayed silent for a long time cuddling with each other.
" I have to tell you something " he said looking at the ceiling.
He looked at her when she didn't respond to him. She was already fast asleep. He smiled and said to himself ,
" Maybe it's not the right time "

He didn't leave her at all that night.
It was morning and both of them were sleeping.
She woke up at her regular time and saw him sleeping besides her.
" He sleeps like a baby " she said out loud.
She then realised that she has a boy in her room from last night. If anyone sees him getting out of her room both of them are dead.
" Agastya!" She immediately got up and started shaking him.
" Agastya! Wake up! Wake up!"
" What is your problem?! Come sleep" he started pulling her back in bed.
" Agastya! Wake up . You are in my room! Get up!"
As soon as he heard her , he immediately stood up.
" Oh no no !"
" I know ! You have to go "
" How? How! Tell me "
" I don't know , who told you to sleep here?!" She started panicking.
" What! don't get back at me . You slept first"
" So?! It's my room! You should have gone "
" You were trying to get in with me. You didn't let my hand go even for a second."
" It's my mistake? You wanted to come in."
" No you brought me in "
" Hey! You said --"
" Okay wait wait. We are wasting time on silly fights. You go out first and look at either side If it's okay. Then call me."
" Alright."

She slowly opened the door and put her head out. She looked both ways and then fully came out. She went towards her right looked everywhere and then towards her left.

" Agastya! Come, it's clear. Go as fast as you can "
" Yes "
He walked a few steps, stopped in the middle and turned around to come back.
" Why are you coming back?! Go Go!"
She was a little tensed.
He came towards her and squished her in his hug.
" Bye bye !" He playfully said.
" Agastya!" She smacked him .
He laughed and ran away. She waved at him with a big smile on her face.

After their daily practice , he suggested to her a plan.
" What? You are going to catch the attacker?"
" Well not me. But look I have a plan. Tell your father to go at a place where an attack can be performed easily, like with less efforts. Ask the soldiers to dress up as civil people and hide . Carry bows as it's better for shooting from a distance. Remember to cover up the exits very well. Choose a place which your soldiers are through with."
" Okay"
" Tell me one thing, when he was attacked for the first time , the attacker was alone?"
" Yes"
" And about that day?"
" He was alone"
" Good . This time again, he will come alone."
" But he almost got caught both times so maybe this time he won't come alone. Do you think he would come alone?"
" I don't think, I know. He will definitely come alone."
" Okay I will tell him this. "
" This has to work Safeena"
" It will "

She told her father everything that he asked her to tell. Her father liked her suggestion. He instructed all the soldiers accordingly.

" My father is very happy with the plan." She told agastya.
He smiled.
" Do you tell him that I suggested that?"
" Yes "
" There was no need of that. You could have said that you came up with it."
" I don't take credits . And he is really very happy with you Agastya. "
" Happy to hear "
" Why you look so worried?"
" The attacker needs to get caught soon." He sighed.
" He will , don't worry"

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