Chapter 15: Like Father Like Son

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{Dear Readers, 

Back with another chapter. 

We apologies for the wait but we finally pulled through and released another master piece. Viewer Discretion is advised due to the fact that this is the most dark and gore fest chapter.

We hope you all enjoy the story. 

Shino & Ronin.}

Chapter 15: Like Father Like Son

The next morning, Y/N was inside Mama's office where he was safest in the hands of the Devil Hunters that he trusted. If it were any other day, Makima would have sent her rats and crows as a surveillance on Y/N as she always did, being possessive of her boyfriend to make sure no one tries to do anything to her precious one. When she first found Y/N she never cared for Y/N as a person but only recognised him as a perfect tool to achieve her goals, however as time passed by the more time she spent with Y/N the more he recognised his scent and how he looked. Now, He was her heart as it was her's. She finally understood the feeling humans often described as the butterflies in your stomach, she felt it.

When Makima first fell in love she thought she was sick and when she went to Y/N for medical advice but when he leans in closer for a medical examination, there's always this tightness in her chest, symptoms that sticked with her when Y/N was closer to her or when he holds her hand. Y/N concluded that she was healthy besides some lung and airway irritation from her smoking habits. He couldn't figure out physically what was wrong with her. After her physical examination she went to Kishibe and the higher ups and they all concluded that she was in love. Romantic feelings towards someone, emotions she's never felt towards someone before. But she doesn't want to fall in love and focus on someone else other than her goals, she wants Y/N to tell her what to do.

Y/N was resting his head on her lap as they were seated on a comfortable sofa in her office. She was peering into her discontent, gently holding onto his hand telling him what he had to do at his plan for revenge. She calms his nervousness, combing her hand through his soft blond hair.

"Perhaps I should just sink the knife in and not think? I don't even know how I would react when I do...Makima, what should I do?" Y/N mumbled, turning his head slightly looking beneath her lashes. Looking to Makima for comfort and seeking advice. His revenge plan hung deep in his thoughts. "All this time I thought..."

Makima chuckles at his statement, eyes completely focused on him, hands caressing his cheeks. "So you really want to kill him yourself, huh? Then before you do that, make sure he knows that you hate him before you sink that knife in."

"Make sure he knows that you hate him before you sink that knife in? Maki-chan what are you even saying?" Y/N leaned in closer, hands crumpled the fabric of her long sleeved shirt. Makima felt something wet against her skin. Y/N was crying, hiding his face from her since he didn't want to reveal his vulnerable side to her.

"A simple reason, really. Hate can be the greatest fuel in the world...and when you want someone to die, and hate them with all your heart then it becomes surprisingly easy to do it." Makima's voice was soft and light, not intended to hush but not silence him. She expects to hear his concerns, he's the only one deemed at least worthy of her extensive attention.

Steering him back on the path, she senses Y/N had calmed slightly, she adds a few touches. Her fingers now laid against the side of his cheek, now his eyes focused on her. Fully knowing Y/N joined Public Safety in exchange for taking revenge against the Time Devil and his father.

"Once all goes smoothly you would quit? You are still a valuable member to Public Safety and besides wouldn't that mean breaking your promise if you were to leave? If you stay, I might even let you sleep with me~" Makima said without hesitation. Of course she said even worse things in her career. She would definitely do anything to get Y/N to stay with her. (Shino was gonna write more in detail but I'm stopping her fan service addiction from here on out -Ronin)

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