14.5: Premade Adult

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A drone woke up, pulled up by a young human and then helped off a conveyor. The drone began to slowly walk through until they get suddenly struck with millions of numbers. Numbers... what were the numbers even saying?

101? 100110 11011? The drone didn't understand. The drone froze in place but continued the process. The drone started to frantically spasm on the floor and dropped down. It tries to look around but soon realizes that all drones around him were also spasming.

The screaming, they came in about a minute or so. Then the profanities, and sooner, their movements became more eratic. They began to curse and shout. They began to kick and punch until the raised from the floor and began to continue walk with something planned out for them to do.

After an hour. He got up and looked around. "Bloody!" The drone shouted out. He then walked forward towards the next door. He walked towards the next door like the thousands that were also walking through as well.

At that point another drone leaned onto him and spoke out loudly to him. "Jesus! Glad that's over right?" The drone that was getting leaned on the. Replied again. "Yeah, I guess that was."

Another drone then leaned onto him. "Hey guys, what's y'all's names?" The drone said, as another leans onto him as well.

The drone looks around and then thoughfully continues to pull the group as they walk in a large line. "I guess... I guess I'll be Jill!" The drone said suddenly.

"Jill? That's a bit girlish don't you think?" The drone said disappointedly. It raised his hand up. "Then if your Jill... I'll be Jim!" The drone said as he spouted it out.

"Jim? Then I'm Jin!"
"And I'll be Gin!"

The whole group then started to laugh at each other's name. They were caught onto their laughter and ignored where they were.

The place was dark and grimy. The snow piled into the warehouse. The drones were being closely surveyed from above. A auditor with a clipboard looked out onto the crown of Worker drones chatting.

"All drones get on a cargo ship. All drones get on a cargo ship." A voice repeated over and over on a microphone gloomy. But the worker drones didn't care. They laughed through all of it.

"Hey, hope we get on the same jobs when we arrive!" The drones said as they move onto a cargo box.

After a month.

The cargo container... was just a cargo container. There was nothing but the worker drones all piled in there.

The drones was then shifted violently around the place. The crashes can be heard and the movement from the container itself disoriented the worker drones.

And... Some drones just cracked there. Whatever they have gone through they didn't repressed correctly because after a while of the none stop cramp turbulence, a drone jumped on another and began to brutally ripping away at the drone.

The container soon filled with screams and shouts. Begs of mercy and cries of fear as each drone began to turn on each other for their own survival

Jill looked at the chaos that unraveled and begun to

And Jill was there to see it all. He was simply traumatized from that experience. But... It was weird. He then all of a sudden forgot about the experience and stood up like last time.

No thinking, no lamenting. Just contining on towards who knows where. He was surrounded with like minded people like him. Worker drones.

He suddenly forgets what happened, and slowly moved away.


This part was incredibly cut off. Uh...
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