15.49. What Remains Of Designation V

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In the Perspective of V

Absolutely nothing... I don't feel anything... I can't feel it... there's nothing I can do... that blast collapsed me into the pod.

The pod is now stuck for all I know because of... My decisions of giving Uzi that rocket launcher- Godamnit!

Nothing... Theres nothing I can do now... stuck under this heep of... victims and for I dunno how long.

And maybe I'll finally die here. Did I fill my quota? No. Spent too much of the time waiting and doing absolutely nothing. Even if they made a back up for me they aren't going to let me through.

I have already turned against the company.


So... this is it. I guess I want to cry but I don't think I'm made for that. Flaunting? Flaunting what? My love for killing? My complex relationship with my friends?

Are they my friends? No... they were CO workers. Even from the start they were CO workers. Not even with N... N considered me as a friend... he crushed so hard for me as well but... I guess I never saw that coming! I never saw him as a viable drone I can love.

Even with all the things we've been through. And guess what? Now he's gone and going places that my former self always wanted to go to. To have a true adventure outside the manor.

So now Im just recollecting my thoughts... for what? To make me feel something? No. Just for me to anger myself for no reason at all.

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