fifty eight

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word count: 1.5k


'All I'm saying is, it's complicated,' Kory said as she, Dick, Eleanor and Conner all stood outside the RV in the cold, attempting to decide what to do.

'I mean, not really. He wants me to come to LexCorp Tower tonight at 8 pm,' Conner said with a shrug of his shoulders. It truly wasn't a big deal to him. He was Superman's son, how dangerous could one man be?

'Look, we're talking about Lex Luthor here. He's the only man Bruce Wayne was ever afraid of,' Dick said. 

'Superman's not afraid of him.' Conner looked at them all with his head held high. 'Neither am I.'

'You should be,' Eleanor warned him. 'He spent the last ten years trying to kill Superman.'

'He tried to kill you, too,' Kory said and squinted at the sun.

'He failed. He's just a man. He doesn't have any superpowers,' Conner spat.

Dick winced and crossed his arms. 'Not all of us do,' he said and glanced at Eleanor.

Conner sighed, regretting his choice of words. 

'Dick... The whole reason we came to Metropolis was so that I could meet one of my parents. Okay, so it wasn't the one that I wanted. Am I supposed to just ignore him? Walk away?'

'No,' Eleanor muttered and crossed her arms over her chest.

'You deserve to know your parents. Everyone does,' Kory admitted.

'It's just... Lex Luthor never shows his cards. We don't know what he wants,' Dick said, his hands tucking themselves into his jean pockets.

'Then maybe we should find out. I mean, if he is up to something, isn't it better that we know?' Eleanor asked Dick, Kory nodding in agreement.

'The man's a psychopath!' He exclaimed.

'We know. You won't get any argument from us there, but... ultimately, it's not our decision. It's Conner's,' Eleanor said and placed her hand on Dick's arm gently.

'I wanna meet him.' Conner looked at Eleanor hopefully. She gave him a smile that tucked her bottom lip between her teeth.

'Okay. I don't like it, but if it's gonna happen, Eleanor's right. We should get as much information as we can first,' Dick said, wracking his brain for a plan.

'So, what do we do, call him and ask for a quick chat?' Kory asked.

'That's not really my style.'

'Yeah. Me neither...'

Kory hung back as Dick and Conner entered the RV, gently pulling Eleanor aside.

'How are you feeling?' She asked quietly, a concerned frown on her face. 'Clearly, you haven't told Dick yet otherwise he'd be hovering around you like a bad odour.'

'No,' Eleanor muttered through a chuckle, crossing her arms. 'I'm just really scared... of, like, the whole thing.' Her honesty shocked the alien. 'I don't know to tell him or how he'll react, and if he gets mad...'

'I'll kick his ass,' Kory promised her. 'He won't get mad, Eleanor. I've seen you two together... It's like you're both at home when you're with one another, no matter where you are. He looks at you sometimes like you're the only person in the world, though he may not express it through his words.'

Eleanor smiled and looked down. 

'You're the best Kory,' she said before opening her arms and pulling her into a tight hug.

stranger things | dick graysonजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें