Chapter ☆4☆

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What the fuck! Suzuka sicced Soul Reaver on me, with whom I actually work, that lying witch-slime monster. Oh my god wait, I'm going to make myself invisible! I made myself invisible and followed the instructions to the house of Abaddon. It was near the lake and the forbidden dark forest. I got closer to the house, but Abaddon had hell hounds. Hell hounds can see me when I am invisible. The dogs ran at me at full speed not to chase me away, but to kill me. Before they could kill me, however, they stopped of their own accord and made room. Wow? Super Wow!

"Did my hell dogs just make lay in front of a stranger?! HOW CAN THAT BE! They only obey me and the lord-"

"Hello..i.. Am-"
"Yes I father told me you could help me-"
Before I could finish my sentence Abaddon pulled me into his home.
"I knew someday this day would come...the chosen ones would awaken."
I looked at him confused.
"Abaddon...Father said you could send me to the human world? I guess I have a twin brother that I really need to find." Abaddon listened and cast a spell.
"So that Suzuka doesn't find out" he said and came closer to me.
Suddenly he hugged me tightly.
"Aahhhh finally I can hold Mammon's daughter, Amanozako listen to me, you have to find your brother you now, the reason is, he and you are both individually strong, if you both put your demon powers together you are stronger than the Demon Lord...your uncle. The Lord doesn't know how strong you both are, only I and Mammon your father know that, I will teach you a spell where you can teleport yourself. Then when you get to the human world, you must first find a man, his name is Master Haru, he has a bicycle repair shop, he will help you get along in the human world and find your brother".
I sat down on a chair for a moment.
"Stronger than the lord? HAHA I LOVE IT. I AM IN ABADDON SHOW ME THE SPELL!"

"Wow like I knew you would be a natural! Here take this bag to help, my gift to you, please stand at the corner of that room over there, that's my teleport room, sometimes things break but only sometimes when you spell for the first time...are you ready?"
I grinned and nodded.
I cast the spell inside me and moved my fingers. A hole appeared.
I waved to Abaddon and his hellhounds before I was gone.

The hole disappeared, leaving something exciting behind. The room took on a large black hole.
Abaddon blinked.
"I should have known...She's so strong, she doesn't even need to cast the spell, the first time there's always a disaster, but more like, windows break, ceiling collapses or the lamp falls. She's a real lord...i wonder how her twin is like..."


How did that happen? Crass! I just made a hole in the ground when I was loading in the human world. Hm... The ground looks really different, as ours. It's so black and gray, I got down on my knees and felt the ground, it feels rough, and this black and gray goes straight out and behind me, on the other side the same thing....
And I see White strokes there with 5 centimeter space. Strange. At our place the ground is pitch black and sanding. And what's with the lights?
Red, yellow and green. There are these white stripes again. Oh. And there are some running.
Are these beings called humans.
"AHHHH" came loudly from me. Someone made a loud noise. I turned around and looked at a box that was moving on four weird laps dividing. "Are you stupid or what?!" Came from a human being.
Interesting. While we ride phoenixes or death horses, these beings move on these boxes. "are you stupid or so get off the road".
What is a road and...did he just call me Stupid?! Wait a minute. Our languages are the same? Wow! I ran towards the voice and saw a creature.
Good looking. Well groomed. It's very rare to see something like that in our universe. The voice got louder. "You ugly brat, get the hell out of the street!" I gave him a nasty look. "Once you were a pretty boy. But from now on you remain an ugly one" I said, looking deep into his eyes. The human then went black out for a second. He then asked me who I was. I said nothing. And disappeared.
He looked at himself in the mirror.
Badly. Now he looks unkempt, rumpled and a dork. I grinned while he screamed. I looked at the other people, I followed them.
They stopped at a red light. The boxes moved away quickly. Then they stopped. Suddenly it turned green with us.
I understand I understand. Red stop and green continue. Very simple. I love it. I followed the crowd. What a neighborhood this is. Many people walking, a few stopping and talking, some sitting and eating, oh eating! What is there...Heh what is that? There is something there. Sushi. I looked at the pictures.
Never heard nor never seen.
Miso soup?
Ramen and bento?
Funny names in our universe everything is called hell front.
Hell water.
Hell roll.
Hell grill.
Hell noodles.
And hell breakfast.
Or even blood pudding.
But I'll shove anything in my stomach. I got closer to where the smell was coming from, then a person came up to me.
He handed me a card.
"I want this" I said and pointed to the whole board. The person looked shocked
"What really?"
"Yes please I want to eat everything"
The human looked at me funny, then he left and later brought me everything. I tried everything at once.
I FEEL LIKE I AM ON HELL CRACK! I ate so fast and accidentally activated my invisibility power. Without realizing it, I just assumed the food was a gift and walked away.

The people food was really the greatest. Now what confuses me even more, the look of the people. They have just like us men, women and people with a different sexuality. So we are not that different.
The only thing that is different is the food, the city and the look. As I said.
There are rarely demons that look good.
Suzuka is actually ugly as hell, but the bitch ate my mother's soul to stay pretty. I found out from Abaddon. She is supposed to die. Oh well. Let's forget about her.
Tell me, what are all these people wearing?
Everyone has a different style! That's cool!
Some have long pants, long shirts.
Some have short pants, short tops.
And others have cool dresses or suits. And everyone wears what they want!
I made myself visible again.
I want to look at the stores and give myself a human look.
So which store do I check out?
Uh! There is one that appeals to me!
I quickly ran in there and looked at all the clothes. Suddenly someone banged against me.
"Look...boah is she hot" came from the person. I looked at him confused.
Is my forehead red? Why should I be hot?
"Hey Atsushi! Look at this girl. Sexy and looks like Isamu" the boy laughed and winked at me. The guy who's name must be Atsushi looked at me very shocked. What are they looking at me now...annoying. I shook my head and went on to pick out some clothes.
"Imagine this is Isamu as a tranny."
"Shut up Hikaru"
"What brother chill. Do you like Isamu or what?"
"Shut up or I'll help you with that"
Atsushi looked over at me for a second and pushed the Hikaru guy out.
"Men" a voice suddenly said.
"What?" I turned around and looked at an old man, he smiled at me for at least 30 seconds before leaving.
Funny people already now. But the old sack looked cuddly. I was holding a skirt tightly in my hand and a top. Both were black. The top went over the belly button. The skirt was long and went down to the ankles. The pattern looked great. And on both things it said Goth. I don't know what that means. But it looks hot. I then changed in a booth. Oha I look sexy. I made myself invisible and then disappeared from the store....

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