☆Chapter 8☆

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Master Haru

"We've been here less than 10 minutes...and already Amanozako has managed to burn down half the forest..." I pressed my temples and slid along my cheeks to my chin. Not only Amaterasu...eh Isamu, has a lot to learn, but Amaterasu is very bad at keeping calm, she attacks quickly, gets attacked quickly and says what she thinks without realizing that she is so quick to irritate other people. Aggressiveness is another thing that needs to be fixed...well...actually you shouldn't force anyone to change, but rather to improve in society. Isamu, on the other hand, is rather calm.
He doesn't get aggressive quickly.
But his Demon form is only activated when he flips a switch, since he is very calm and always positive, it will be hard to use or rather find his trigger. Let's see. Maybe his trigger can be Amanozako, but they only know each other now, it will be hard to develop emotional feelings...Emotional...wait.
I have an idea.
I winced. Who calls me that without my title? Only old friends said that?
Hedgehog?! That was my nickname! Who knows!
The person laughed and literally jumped from the air onto me.
Atushi who was training with Isamu turned around, Amanozako was busy doing yoga to calm down, she then turned around and looked annoyed at the person.
I grabbed the person and took a closer look, Oha!
That's Nari!
My old friend from my youth!
A Demon who now lives in the human world. Amanozako ran up to me and pulled me away.
"Who are you? You smell like Demon blood, did the evil lord send you? Are you a spy!". I held Amanozako's mouth tightly, "Please excuse her behavior Nari, she's still learning to communicate with humans. Amanozako please apologize to Nari. She is my old friend from my childhood."
I looked at Amanozako. She looked at me with her cool eyes.
"I don't apologize to strangers," she said before standing in front of me.
"Why are you here. Master Haru is fine." Amanozako said, crossing her arms and looking Nari up and down.
"You look like nh pimp-"
"Amanozako! Enough! Time out!"
"Off. Time."
Amanozako rolled her eyes and turned around. Nari scratched her head. "She doesn't have to apologize, I can understand her behavior, girl," she said with a smile. Nari is great. She always understands everyone and gets on well with everyone, if only Amanozako behaved like that, it would be easier to get on in the human world. I still have to point out her mistakes. She now has her back to us. Atushi and Isamu just watched and then joined us.
"Hedgehog, don't be so hard on yourself. You are the good cop, I believe in you that you will train them all well...you are Master Haru after all. She's still a demon learning the human world"
I smiled. She is excellent. Exactly what Amanozako needs to learn.
Being a demon but a human at the same time.
I have a lot of preparation to do.
"Stay for tea, please," I said.
Nari smiled. She then punched me in the arm. Atushi laughed out loud. Isamu giggled.
"You're like those siblings," Atsushi said. "Except hedgehog was in love with me"
"WHAT" Said Atushi, Isamu pulled Haru closer.
"And why aren't you you know" Asked Isamu interested, Atushi pricked up his ears. Nari looked at him. Haru cleared his throat.
"I was in love with someone who unfortunately no longer exists," she said and looked at the boys. Exactly. That was true.
She was with a human boy, Ishikawa was his name.
A good boy. Kousuke Ishikawa. But that was many years ago. Ishikawa died of old age, while me and Nari are still alive. Our Demon age is quite high. Oh Ishi. How I miss him. He was my best friend. We, me, Nari and Ishikawa were inseparable. Until Ishikawa left and Nari went away.
I was now standing there alone, speaking of leaving...why had she disappeared without a trace?


Where is Amanozako? She's been in her room since we went into the house from the training ground. I walked down the small corridor and knocked on her door. No response. Is she asleep? I knocked several times.
"WHAT!" It came loudly. She's alive, I said to myself.
Amanozako opened the door.
"Oh it's you Isamu...come in" she said, I took a closer look at her. Somehow she doesn't look very happy.
Even though I've only just met her, I can tell how she feels. After all, she is my sister. "What's wrong Amanozako, I know you're hiding something, I can feel it very well." I said and pointed at her.
"Your aura looks dark, not evil, but sad". Amanozako bit her lips.
"I don't like this Nari. She shows up so suddenly and...I don't know...I just don't like her, everything bothers me about her" she said and rolled her eyes. I giggled slightly. Amanozako raised a brow curiously. I took her in my arms and whispered something that made her blush.
"I know this behavior. You're jealous and afraid that Nari will steal Master Haru away from you. Because you really like him"
I stroked her head and then she looked at me.
"Why don't you talk to him Amanozako, if you talk to him, you can solve your problems better and together, I know that you are not yet completely familiar with the human world, but talking to a person is called social contact and if you do this, you will strengthen your social contacts and then you will be able to know people's feelings better and learn from them."
Amanozako blinked at me.
"You sound like Abaddon...father's friend."
I smiled. "I hope to get to know this Abaddon"
"I'll try to talk to him tomorrow, I have things to do now" she said and nodded to the door. I nodded back and left the room. I wonder what she's up to. Maybe reading? Because when I had a quick look at her room, I could see books on the table, lots of notes, lots of scribbles...
Hm. Never mind. I went into the dining room where Atushi was waiting for me, Nari was also sitting there and Master Haru.
Master Haru invited Nari for tea.
I can't wait to hear what they have to report.

"So who goes first?" Atsushi asked, grinning between Nari and Master Haru. Nari laughed. Master Haru rubbed his temples. "Well, that was many centuries ago, you know, demons can live as long as they can, unless they die at the lord's hands. Many centuries ago, I traveled to the human world as an adventurer. For I was a messenger of a rich Demon."
"There are rich ones?" Atsushi asked.
Nari nodded.
"Rich, poor and so on. When I decided to stay in the human world to study a lot, I came to a school. Unfortunately, I couldn't cope because it was all too new to me. But thank goodness for Haru. He guided me, we got to know each other, became friends, until I found out that he was a spy..."
Atsushi gasped for air.
Such a cute one.
"Woah, exciting!"
"Haru liked me a lot and was afraid I'd leave him. But then he was shocked himself that I'm also a Demon and a kind of spy in the human world. We got on much better straight away, then there was an Ishikawa. He was new, popular. But not the good kind of popular, he was popular because he came from the parallel school and there were a lot of nasty stories about him, a real bad boy. He hated me. I hated him. He liked Haru."
I laughed.
"Okey sounds tempting haha" I said laughing.
"But after a short time I found Ishikawa attractive, he found me attractive too, we got together and got engaged, married, had a child, a girl. But then it was time to say goodbye, so to speak. Ishikawa died of old age. Our daughter was married and then had children of her own and, as you know, I'm several hundred years old. That means I know the children of my grandchildren and the children of the grandchildren and so on."
"Ah, that's why you were away for a long time," said Master Haru, Nari nodded.
"I needed time, you know. But now I'm back..."


I can't stand this laughter.
I'm miserable here right now.
And they're happy... Amanozako! Don't act like that. You promised Isamu you'd talk to Master Haru.
I should get ready. I yanked open my door. I'm going to puke. The old woman is standing there. "What?" I asked, annoyed. Naro Naru Nato Whatever her name is. She looked at me. She smiled. Ew? "Hello Amanozako, how are you? Haru and Isamu told me about you-"
"Yes hi hello and nice that you know who I am but I have zero time right now!"
"Oh I'm sorry have you been busy?"
"I don't know, should I be? So that you have more time with everything and you can plant yourself in peace? Goodbye" I said, closed my door, walked past her and went down the stairs.
"Master Haru" I said.
"Amanozako...finally. We thought you'd never come down"
Master Haru and Atsushi were clearing the table.
"What's up Amanozako if you're hungry, we left some" Atsushi said, I nodded in thanks.
"Could I spare master haru for a moment?"
Atsushi nodded.
"Sure. Everything is clean anyway and Isamu can do the rest." Atsushi walked out of the dining room.

I looked at Master Haru. He looked at me.
"Here or outside?" He asked me.
"In the courtyard," I said and went forward.
I stood on the grass in the courtyard and looked at the flowers. Colorful...they're gloomy here.
"So...I'll start like this. I'm sorry I was so cheeky, I need time...to get used to it here. My first social contact was with you, but that's probably not enough for me...I have a lot of training and learning to do..." Master Haru scratched his head. He looked at me with his beautiful eyes. I smiled and expected...something nice.

"Amanozako...you will never learn to get along with people, if you want to learn, you have to do it from the heart. Be nice and not mean. I heard you talking to Nari earlier and I didn't like it at all...I really like you Amanozako, but you have a lot to learn, you're like a little kid who complains about everything. Start first...to keep your behavior under control then we'll see if you really need time or just don't feel like it..."

Just now my heart and stomach were full of black butterflies. Now they are all without wings in my stomach like rotten food. I want to puke. It hurts that Master Haru thinks of me like that.
I know I'm not perfect, but couldn't he have said it any nicer?...

"With pleasure. I'm changing my whole personality. The way you want it, what you just said, you could have put it much nicer...I love you too, but right now this love feels like souls that don't have a home. See you tomorrow" I said and walked past him, as I walked past him, roses that were on the bushes turned black. I stroked my chest.
Walked past Isamu. Who was about to say something. Atsushi looked confused.
I unlocked my door and banished myself to my room until the next morning.

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