☆Chapter 16☆

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The anger was taking over me again. I stumbled back big steps as I could feel my anger getting out of control. I held my head tightly.
My tears were burning. My skin grew warm, and I turned into my demon form, slowly feeling the heat. It must not come to this! I mustn't leave anyone because of my stupidity! Unfortunately, I can't help it! This anger... is bad...it was as good as I was just now... This nonchalant side...it disappears...
The moment my whole body was glowing, Isamu came and pulled me into his arms. He also felt like me. He looked like me. I cried. He comforted me. And father watched, but then he came up to us and hugged us too. We all lit up at once...
"We're trying our best to cope with this, Okey?"
"How am I supposed to cope with Suzuka hurting our mom!"
"Amanozako is right! Our poor mother! Your wife!"
"I know... but we should try -"
"Mom!!! My poor mom!!! She doesn't deserve this!!!"

I was bubbling with rage, my rage torching the meadow and circling around us all, Isamu's rage increasing that circle. I heard the others worrying with one ear. The other ear was already red. I want just one thing...

Revenge on all those who have my whole family on their conscience! Everyone should kneel down in fear!...I screamed into the air.
Father and Isamu took a few steps backwards. Isamu understood what my body was doing. He took my hand and let his body copy me....

My body expelled black smoke from me and Isamu from his white one. Dad ran towards the others and pushed them further away from us. He took mom in his arms, and the branches disappeared...

Slowly, my black smoke formed, Isamu's too. Our smoke formed into warriors. Warriors with weapons.
They became warriors with swords.
Warriors with spears, warriors with books, and some with bows, others had huge shields with sling weapons, sitting on red horses....

There were many... many warriors.

10,000 white and 10,000 black.

I spoke only one thing...

"Rake! Rake! Rake! Rake!"

And isamu said
"Regina et rex audi!

He and I got on two huge red pegasuses and floated into the air. The others stood below.....


Shit!!! What's happening here!!!
"What are we doing now!!! Why did they both do something like that? But how?! I've never seen anything like it!!!". I held my head, and my father knelt down to me.
"They're going to do it..." he just said.
Mammon nodded.
I looked at him confused.
Zen and Atsushi, too.
Mammon carried Hayami tightly.
"I'll take her to my father..."
"Wait? You know he's alive?" I asked, confused. I thought nobody knew that?
"Of course I know he's alive. I'll explain later, I'll take them out of here first, and then I'll come back. Abaddon, a portal, please."
My father nodded.
"I need several more powers so that no one finds you!" My father held out his hand, I took his left hand, and Zen his right. We made a circle.
"Portal apparent!" We said that at least 10 times. Until we could call a portal, Mammon got right in with Hayami and waved at us before disappearing.
"What does that mean now, father...what are the twins going to do?" I asked curiously.
My father pulled us all into the centre.
"A hell of a quake is happening now,"
"NO NO PLEASE DON'T!" Zen said, holding his mouth tight. Even Atsushi held it tight. So he knows what it means, too.
I stroked my head...I never thought that Amanozako and Isamu would be the ones...

Who will trigger the quake from hell.

And in the process.

Will kill the Lord...

Whoever kills the Lord becomes a Lord himself, but if something goes wrong.

Hell will disappear into the black hole forever, and that will unbalance Heaven and Hell... Heaven will fall, too. That's it for the universe.

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