☆Chapter 15☆

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When Amanozako sent us towards the ladder, Isamu went ahead. I followed him and climbed down the old ladder. The ladder is just older than me, so rusty, disgusting. The poles of the ladder and the steps have a sticky substance.
I don't want to know what it is, I can't see it anyway because it's dark here.
"I'm at the bottom" Isamu called up to me. I climbed down the last few steps.
"Now to the left" I said to him.
But what does that mean now?
Amanozako said that when you're at the bottom, there are more paths to the left or right. But here you only go straight on, because there's a wall to the left and right.
"What are we going to do Isamu?" I asked him.
Isamu grabbed the wall, knocking on it.
"We're breaking it"
"Ah Okey, wait what?!" I looked at him in shock, he ran back a few steps and wanted to run out but I stopped him.
"Stop! You're not doing that, what do you think Amanozako and Atsushi will do to me if they find out you're going to break your hand. I won't let that happen. Watch," I said and closed my eyes.
"Aperi tibi" I said to the left wall.
The wall slowly fell down.
"You see, without hurting"
"You're great!"
"HEY I HEARD THE WALL OPEN" came from someone at the other end of the corridor.

"Run!" I said to Isamu and ran away with him. We ran all the way down the corridor to freedom! Amanozako is great, because we arrived outside where we could already see all the towers.
"Hide Isamu" I said and pushed him aside to a big black tree. Out of the cave where we came out came the black figures.
"Those bedsheet monsters" said Isamu.
"They're soul snatchers Isamu, but yes they look like bedsheets" I whispered. We listened.

"Who unsealed the wall..." One of the soul snatchers asked, looking at the one of his kind. The two slowly floated forward and split up, left and right. Shit...where should we go now, the tree isn't the best place to hide....
"Hey...Haru look!" Hissed Isamu.
I turned around, Isamu ran to the back where we were hiding.
"Isamu stop what are you doing! The soul snatcher is nearby, come back" I ordered him, but he didn't listen.
Great... we're screwed.
I quickly went after him.
"Hey, did you hear that?" Said the one soul snatcher and came a little closer to us.
"Isamu, I'll kill you," I hissed and kept running through the bushes until I just fell into a hole.
The hole was gone...and I'm now under the dark earth. How great!
"I always wanted to die" I said sarcastically, "Lux"
Huh? It was getting lightly...in the demon world there was never sunlight...rather...demon light?...what does that mean? I slowly stood up and followed the light.
This little ray of sunlight led me further until I saw Isamu.
A woman who looks like Isamu and Amanozako.
"Who are you?" I asked the woman.
The woman has long black hair, tied with a pink veil.
She wears a pink kimono...she looks well-groomed. And when I look around here, everything looks neat too.
There's a big bed with a dressing table, a bathtub in the corner with a clean toilet...a closet full of pink kimonos.
"Are you human?" Isamu suddenly asked. That's exactly what I wanted to ask.
"I...I..." The woman looked at both of us.
Maybe she can't talk?
"Maybe she's special you know," Isamu whispered to me. I shook my head.
"Thank you for bringing us here" Isamu started and bowed.
"You don't have to talk if it's hard for you. I can read your mind if you want that?" I offered her.
"Wait you can do that?...creepy" Isamu whispered. I nodded.
The woman looked at me and nodded too.
I closed my eyes and concentrated on the woman.
Isamu suddenly farted.
"I'm sorry...I've been holding it in for so long..."
I rolled my eyes. What has to come out, has to come out.
Slowly I penetrate her head.

(I'm Hayami and I live down here...that's all I know, just that I live here with my wife) [Wife? Who's your wife?]
(She's coming...I feel it....Suzuka)

I stopped reading her mind.
I stumbled to the back.
"Please get us out of here!...we need to hide!" I shouted at Isamu. Isamu was getting impatient. "What happened!"
"Suzuka is coming! Amaterasu!"
"Shit! Okey wait! I can do this!" Isamu closed his eyes and held my hand, our two powers joined, we became Invisible.

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