☆Chapter 11☆

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Oh shit! Damn! Amaterasu...Isamu!!! I used a spell for healing and healed my body, then went to Grandpa and stroked my hand over him. "Amanozako... you are so strong, thank you! I'll go to your brother, you go to Master Haru please...". I hesitated for a moment. He hurt me a lot....inner. But alright. I'll look for him. I turned around and looked for Master Haru. Where is he? Suddenly, I stumbled over a stone. And there was a hand....oh you my hell....please don't. I nodded the big stone away.
And sure enough. Master Haru was lying under it.
"MASTER HARU !!!" I screamed, stretching my hands above him. Please let him return.
"I'm sorry that I annoyed you with my love, I'm sorry that I got on your nerves, I'm sorry that I'm so mean, I'm going to change! I will stop loving you even if it's hard! Please don't let me take you away! You have to come back..."
I took my hands away from me.
And waited for the result.
I slacked off for quite a while.
"Don't you dare stop loving me. I'm falling in love with you right now, or rather I already am. You know the saying, she fell in love first and he fell in love harder?"
I didn't answer and just pressed my lips to his.
"Call me Haru...Amanozako."
Haru... he wiped away my tears by kissing them.
"Haru...haru...haru!" I said louder.
Haru... smiled and hugged me closer to him.

"Sorry to disturb you... but Amaterasu is in the demon world, and I can't go there..." my grandpa said.
"How is he there?!" Haru said, confused.
Unusual to call him haru.... I call him Daddy now.
"He teleported there... rather his strength...he and Amanozako are twins, and so they share the place as the strongest and the strongest demon and demoness.
"Woah, what?! Daddy, did you hear that. We are badass"
"Daddy?" Grandpa asked, confused.
Haru turned red. And Grandpa shook his head.
"Youth language...I'm off then,"
Heh, what? Where is he going now?
"Grandpa, where are you going?" I asked him, Grandpa Manni had turned around as he walked on.
"Well, yes. Since I'm on the run, so to speak, I have to be able to keep hiding, and that's not possible without a secret hiding place..."
"A new club?" Haru asked.
"A new strip club, I think, a moment. Why did you have a gay strip club?" I asked him with interest and curiosity.
Grandpa just laughed and left. Hey, he just walks away.
"I guess there's only one answer to that," I said. Haru nodded.
"He's pro-LGBTQ"
"Or he's gay or bisexual,"


What kind of place is this... it's dark, but not too dark. It looks gloomy. Cold. Gloomy... this must be the demon world.
"HAHA HOW AWESOME BROTHER." I can't move, though. "Now that's not cool." I'm bound by both my feet and my hands. They are behind my back, and the belt has funny spikes. As well as the ankle cuffs.
I'm lying on my stomach. I can feel something moving. It's shaking. Is that a box that rolls? The floor smells like wood but also like shit. Wood, huh? Is yours a Boller wagon? Or....
Huh! Did I hear a horse?
"Who was that?"
"I wonder that too. I'm trying to sleep here. "
I guess I'm not alone after all. At least.
"What is this junk thin-"
"SHUSH. Don't ever say that. This is the carriage of death that leads to the castle. To the Lord."
Ahoo, a death carriage.
"Yes, Yolo...I'm going to die," I said before I lost consciousness.

"What is a Yolo, please?"

I woke up slowly. Had I fainted? Great.
"Hey, you're awake, haha," laughed the person.
That voice from earlier.
"You... you were in that carriage...huh how did I get out of there?" I asked, looking at myself and the new surroundings.
Cold. Black and grey. Stony. Is this...
"Is this a dungeon?" I asked the person I could slowly recognize under the moonlight.
"YOU'RE A HYBRID?" I shouted.
The guy put his hand to his side and looked me up and down.
"You're really disrespectful the way you shout out loud my being,"
He has yellow cat eyes.
His hands are black with long fingers and nails that shine. Long red hair that shines in the moonlight...ears that wiggle.
"I'm sorry...it's just...I've read this in books in the human world -"
The hybrid screamed.
I put my hands on the hybrid's shoulders and pressed him onto this iron bench, of which there were two in the dungeon.
Must be our bed. Very nice. If I get a backache, I'll curse you all to death.
"Calm down. What's your name?"
"Zen I am nice to meet you, and you are?"
I smiled at Zen.
"I'm Atsushi, a human," I said and put my hand to his mouth so he wouldn't scream again. I looked into his eyes. "I'm taking my hand away now, don't you dare scream again," I said.
Zen nodded, and I slowly took my hand away from his mouth.
Instead of screaming, he squeaked softly.
Somehow, it sounded like a pet.
"I've never had contact with a human before, omg! I'm so excited. I have soooo many questions, but you haven't answered the previous questions yet, " he said with his cuddly eyes. I giggled softly.
"There were a lot of them. Let me think for a moment, ah yes. Yes, I'm from the human world, and yes, I'm human, and I haven't done anything bad. I have a boyfriend, I like men and yeah. My boyfriend is a bit special, he found his twin sister that he didn't know about, then we met Master Haru, a great guy. He then trained my boyfriend and his sister to become stronger. His sister already had the strength.
Both are half demon and half human, then during our training, we met Master Haru's childhood friend who turned out to be a traitor. That stupid cow only came to see us to send the sister to the lord. I overheard her in the wrong place and at the wrong time and was then petrified.
Then I was in this strange carriage.
Then I fainted. Then I woke up and saw you. Oh yes, did I mention that the twins are Amanozako and Amaterasu? The twins of Mammon, the lord's brother."

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