☆Chapter 12☆

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"Now we have to go to the demon world first," I said and was about to start casting spells. But Haru held me tight.
"Think about it, sweetie. Atsushi is gone and Isamu was somehow spawned away. That means the lord's minions are following us."
I thought for a moment and looked at my toes, then looked at him again.
"What should we do then?" I asked ignorantly. Haru stroked his hair.
"Let's go back first, Isamu's house is perfect. We should take the subway and then a regular train."
I blinked.
"What's a subway and what's a regular train?"
Haru widened his eyes slightly and raised his brows.
"You're not serious right now"
"Yeah what is it? I'm half human. The human world isn't my specialty overnight" I rolled my eyes and looked Haru up and down and then up again.
"What are you waiting for babe? Let's go" I said and took Haru's hand. I pulled him along with me until he stopped and turned us both around.
"Wrong side sweetie, I'm leading" he said and took my hand in his. I grinned and intertwined our fingers and let him lead me....

We were walking down a street and every minute I stopped because I saw things I'd never seen in my life.
Lamps that stay on at night so you can see! In the demon world, you always have to carry a creature with you that gives you light. And you can't just buy these creatures, you have to catch them, they love to play catch and are therefore agile and drive you crazy.
On the street there are people selling food in a small cart. In the demon world there's something like that too, but you have to trade souls...and here you give a few coins and that's it. People hold little people by their hands, that's probably their flesh and blood, that's what they're called here, people call them children. Weird. But cool. Haru bought me something from the selling cart, a fish snack. They call this snack Taiyaki, really tasty.
Really! Haru could see that I was amazed.
"Tell me Haru, why do people .... hold their... children by the hand when they change sides?"
Haru looked at me and looked at the white stripes.
"Those are crosswalks where cyclists and pedestrians are allowed to cross the road. The mother helps the child so that they can cross the road safely, the children learn to cross this road carefully, it's a safe place to cross the road. Unfortunately, some drivers don't pay attention and do their own thing...look"
Haru finished explaining and pointed his finger at the crosswalk.
The mother stopped...the child...a car sped through. A couple of other people got upset and swore. They must be really angry...

"In the demon world, the flesh and blood alone are running all over the place, if they were running here, they'd probably be flattened 3 times or so."
Haru nodded, I pressed my taiyaki into Haru's hand and snapped both fingers.
"Ohoh Amanozako what are you up to?"

The car that raced away stopped and reversed. The people were frozen in style. A police car stood a few meters away. Amanozako's winked at Haru, snapped her fingers.
The car sped off again, the mother holding the child, the policemen in the car caught the car and drove behind it.
"He's going to have a blue miracle now," I said and took my taiyaki back to continue eating it. Haru laughed.
"That's my girl," he said. I grinned....


I am positively surprised that Amanozako is slowly developing morals. She's really becoming a good person...but she's still part demon. When we took the escalators to the subway, Amanozako hooked up with me.
"What are those machines that go down?" She asked, confused, and jumped into my arms. Some people looked at us questioningly. I laughed and ignored them.
"They're escalators for people who don't take the stairs," I said.
Amanozako nodded.
"So for lazy people who don't want to?" She asked seriously. I laughed again. "No dear...actually, it may be that some people are lazy and don't feel like taking the stairs, but there are some people who are in pain, have something broken or people who have a lot of luggage, which makes it easier for them to carry"
Amanozako just blinked. But she nodded at me.
"Makes sense," she said and then jumped up, pulling me along with her as we put our feet on the ground. She pointed to a screen.
"Like your laptop. Pictures that move"
How cute can you be.
"You're right. A big screen" I said. "Sometimes there's advertising or information"
Amanozako scratched her chin and looked thoughtful.
"The soul looks good enough to eat, Satan would like that"
A grandpa with a walking stick stopped and made a cross on his chest.
"God protect me from this youth"
I put my hand to my mouth and burst out laughing, but I held it back, bowed and pulled Amanozako away.
"We have to buy our tickets now," I said and tapped on a screen. Amanozako laughed.
"Why don't we just go without?"
"In the demon world, there are the skeleton men and women who work in the carriages, they check whether you're a soul snatcher or not, if you're not, they throw you back onto the street. Really barbaric. Here we call them conductors. If you don't have a valid ticket, you're not allowed on the train." I tapped the station where we had to go and two adults. I paid and Amanozako spat out.
"Will the conductors kill us if we go in without a ticket?"
As a joke, I said yes and turned around.
A woman and her child looked at me fearfully, on the verge of crying.
"I was only joking! I'm sorry"
The mother just looked at me, Amanozako went downstairs.
"I was cheeky. The man here is my friend and was just calling me names so I wouldn't be angry. Don't worry. The conductor is a nice man, the other day he helped me very nicely when I forgot my bag hehe"
The child grunted. Then he laughed out loud.
"You're pretty," he said. I scratched my head and bowed to my mother.
"Fresh couple" she winked and walked away with her child. Amanozako giggled.
"Aren't I good?" She said sarcastically and walked on. I laughed too.
"Wrong direction"
Amanozako turned around.
"I know"

We were sitting on the train. There was a lot going on. And Amanozako sat on my lap, freezing cold, people looked at us skeptically, confused and also irritated.
Amanozako whispered.
"Why do people look like that? Is that normal?" I raised a brow.
"What do you mean?"
"Some of them are wearing weird uniforms, one of them has a huge ball in her belly, did she eat a ball or why is it so huge?"
Unfortunately, she said the last sentence too loudly so that the pregnant woman looked at us with irritation.
"She's a bit behind, I'm sorry"
The woman then understood and nodded to us with a smile. Amanozako blinked back and forth.
"What does that mean?"
Suddenly the train moved.
I held her tightly as Amanozako grew impatient. A student with the uniform turned around. "Did she just say Satan?" "Oh yeah I think so!" "Maybe she's a Satanist or something" "God help us"
Amanozako coughed.
The students looked at us with interest.
"I'm a demon," she winked at them.
The group laughed out loud.
"I like her. She's funny"
Amanozako smiled. The group got out.
"Maybe I'll tell everyone that"
"Oiiii Haruuuuu look!" I turned my head and saw the lake.
"Do you remember how the lake was formed in our World!"
"No ?"
"From children's tears"
The conductor who was scanning the tickets stopped and looked at us both.
"You mostly the lake from the video game?"
Amanozako blinked at me in confusion.
But then she understood and played along.
"Yes, of course from the game! Where else?" She laughed.
"Well, I wouldn't want to play that game!" A man said and left, stumbling as he did so. Amanozako laughed out loud.
The people looked disappointed and angry at us.
"What's a good omen where we come from?"
"Our station! HAHA" I carried Amanozako out of the subway station as fast as I could. Some women giggled and looked at us in love.
A young man said "I'd like to be carried out like that too!"

"La la la la" Amanozako hummed a song as we walked to the train. I know this song from before. This song made me feel sorry and happy. Many mixed feelings. How does she know this song?

"This train looks different. But not quite either haha". I sat her down in a free seat. I put my hand on her thigh.
"And how was it? Your first time on the subway?"
Amanozako smiled at me.
"It was great and exciting! This train doesn't look so full, unlike the other one." "That's right. The train is usually only full in the mornings, we have a train in the afternoon when most people are still at work and the children are at school." Amanozako looked at me.
"What are the schools like? Just like ours?"
I scratched my head.
"They're.... much better you know"
"So the teachers aren't allowed to torture the kids?" I looked around and then looked at Amanozako after I was sure there was no one here.
"They're not allowed to. Anything barbaric is forbidden"
Amanozako nodded as an understanding.
I stroked her hair and then took her by the hand when we arrived.
A conductor got on too.
"Hey, are you allowed to throw people out of the windows and trains without a ticket?"
I was so hopeful that no one would be here and Amanozako's would ask such questions again, I should probably let my hopes disappear because they won't come true anyway.
The conductor laughed.
"Unfortunately not. But it would be funny," he said and left. Amanozako smiled sweetly at me.
"Let's go," I said laughing....


My back hurt because of the concrete beds. What a nasty thing! I'm also cold, I can't go to the toilet either, I swear on my Manga BL collection that I'll get a bladder infection. I turned around. Then something fell over. I looked down. Zen was on the floor, he jumped up.
"A HELL OF A BEAST!" he yelled out loud.
I scratched the back of my neck, I guess he meant earthquake.
"Chill out. You were half on top of me, I got up and I must have pushed you off." Zen breathed in and out deeply. "I thought so...Hellquakes are no fun, I've never experienced one because they're very rare, but I've been taught that they're very, very dangerous." Zen said, nodding like a little kid. Brother, I finally want to get out of here.
"Wait a minute Zen....you're strong, aren't you?"
"So you can do anything....as a kitsune"
"Sure you can"
"So you can get us out?"
"Certainly no"
"Like what no???"
"Actually yes but I...don't want to"
"Dude, are you serious? We're rotting here!"
"I don't like the lord...he's mean"
"And what...I'm weak...I need strength..."
"Yes, and what power do you need? I'll get it for you"
"Well...I need to talk to the gods, it has to be super quiet and I need a sacrifice, preferably a virgin"

I blinked in confusion.
"Are you kidding me?"
"Yeah HAHA I just need blood from you that's it"
"You are such a Köpek"
"What does that mean?"
"Nothing. Let's get started"
"Not until the red full moon..."
"And when is that???? Wasn't it always once a month or something? Please don't tell me we have to wait so long, I can't wait long!"

Zen laughed.
"You are funny. Here in this world. There's a full red moon every night. So a few more hours."
I exhaled with relief.

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