☆Chapter 19☆

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No pov

"Hey Isamu, let's go to the video corner later, there are new mangas," said Daisuke and stood in front of Isamu's table.
Isamu looked at his best friend and nodded.
"Yes, let's go."
Daisuke was happy and grabbed his bag, they both walked to the bus stop and waited for their bus.
When the bus arrived, Isamu looked at the bus. He shoved a side eye at Daisuke.
"Are you waiting for the next one for half an hour or racing?" Isamu asked.
Daisuke furrowed his brow.
"What kind of shit are you talking?"
"What grade do you have in sports?"
"How long do you think you can run?"
"Isamu wtf?"

"HEY YOU PIG AND YOUR PIGLET FRIEND?!" Koda shouted from the window, leaning out of it and scowling at the two of them.
Daisuke crossed his arms.
"Did he just call us pig and piglet???" Daisuke didn't look pleased and pushed Isamu aside. "Whoever says that is himself...ah wait...you already are. Your whole existence already doubts you and wonders how something like that actually became your mother's first in the race!"

Isamu shut his mouth and laughed.
"You...YOU DICK!" shouted Koda and came to the bus driver's door with his friends.

Daisuke pulled Isamu with him and ran off.
Koda ran after them with his friends. As the two ran, they both laughed their heads off and ran to an intersection. And suddenly there were gangster people standing there. They looked at Isamu and Daisuke. "You must be the two who are chasing Koda... the boy you're having trouble with is my cousin and now I'm going to spank you!"

Daisuke swallowed his spit.
Isamu had his hands in his trouser pockets.
"Get your hands out...you're standing in front of an older..."
"So what? That's disrespectful!"
"Respect is earned and it's weak to bully smaller ones"
"You bastard!"

Out of nowhere, flour packages flew into the streets and fogged the intersection.
Daisuke and Isamu looked up at the sky.
The person was standing on the roof.
"That's the person from today!"
"So you weren't dreaming after all-" Daisuke said and was then pulled away by Isamu. Both then ran into a restaurant where the lights were still on...

They were breathing fast.
Isamu looked up, he too was screaming.
Daisuke looked too.
"Boy why are you yelling Amano...bitch did you create a tranny clone without telling me?"
"Boy Kira shut up...who are you and why do you have my face?"
"I could ask you the same thing!"

"Amanozako Kira what is...go...huh?"

Hayami looked at Isamu and Amanozako.
Suddenly she fell.
"Oh my god"
"Call an ambulance! Daisuke!"
"Shit wait!"

When the ambulance arrived, Hayami woke up again and explained that she didn't want to come with them because she was just tired. Kira and Amanozako insisted on staying with Hayami. However, she wanted the children to go.
"You need help and that's why we're staying with you"
"Me too..." said Isamu.
"What you?" Daisuke asked, confused.
Isamu nodded and looked at Amanozako.
"Is it even possible? People with the same face?" Asked Isamu with interest. Amanozako shrugged her shoulders, "I don't know...but I'm interested too you know..."
"Everyone stay for dinner, please," asked Hayami.

When the restaurant was clean, the five of them sat at the table and had a late dinner. Isamu smiled. "I've never experienced anything like this before," he said. Hayami smiled.
"Amanozako said the same thing when she ate here with Kira for the first time. She said it felt like a family dinner."
Amanozako scratched her head.
"Your restaurant is really nice," Isamu said, stuffing his face with Hayami's food.
"I've never eaten such great food..."
"Eat as much as you want, I've had enough" said Hayami, smiling at Isamu.
"Are you still looking for help?" Daisuke asked and pointed to a sign.
Hayami looked there and then back.
"Oh, I wanted to take the sign down, because those two are the only ones who can handle the pay."
"That doesn't matter to me, does it, Isamu?"
"Heh what?"
"The pay is low, but does it matter to you?" Daisuke asked again.
"As long as I can eat for free, I would even work without pay," Isamu laughed and continued eating.
"You're not really allowed to do that..."
"Pay me less but give me food and I'll be happy!"
"You two are really cute... Amanozako? Kira? Shall I?"
Amanozako laughed lightly.
"The more the merrier".
"Kira no! Firstly, there's no such thing as clones and secondly, that would be a rip-off..."
Kira looked at her.
She looked at Kira.
"Guinea pig?" Isamu asked with his mouth full. The girls nodded.
"I'm in"
"No one's in...if you cheat, the restaurant suffers," Daisuke said and
sipped his tea.
"He's right, let's not" Kira said and pouted.

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