☆Chapter 18☆

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No pov...

People walk quickly through alleys to get to the most popular street.
This street has many restaurants and small stores that are very popular, as well as small sights such as a fountain where famous people have thrown coins, a tree with many letters and locks attached to poles next to a river.
In this street there is a great restaurant that belongs to a very dear person. The restaurant is closed today because it is a holiday, behind the restaurant is a house, it is not big but simple and cozy for a certain person.
The owner of the restaurant...
A woman who lives alone.
And passionate woman...


"Boy Isamu, what are you up to?" a boy asked his classmate and best friend. The boy, whose name is Isamu, climbed over a fence and looked at his friend.
"Daisuke don't worry I'm just trying to save my ass, you know I'm having stress at the moment with that puke, he wanted to rip off my money but I let him rip off something cheap when I thought it was valuable"
Daisuke waved his hand.
"Are you a seal or what" Isamu laughed and turned around, a wide guy was standing in front of him.
"Oh disk paste. Hey Koda what's up! How do you like my watch haha really cool huh?" Isamu laughed and moved to the side.
"Let's have a chat next time Okey? I'm in a hurry."
Isamu wanted to leave quickly but this Koda held him by the hood.
"You're not leaving so quickly, asshole! I'll show you how it's done when you get me! The koda! Fuck you!"
Isamu gulped, he actually wanted to show this Kanda his fight style, but something flew right into Koda's face. he stumbled. Isamu looked from left to right in confusion. "Was that you?" Isamu asked Daisuke. Daisuke shook his head several times.
"That was a ghost," said Daisuke.
Isamu scratched his head and ran away.
"Go home Daisuke, I'll see you at school!"

Daisuke wanted to shout something back, but he shook his head and left.

"We don't even have school tomorrow."


"Look at your hair!"
"Your clothes!"
"Those nails..."
"Your face..."
"Your whole self is ugly.

5 girls bullied a girl.
This girl didn't look the way other people imagined she would.
She wore worn out clothes. Why do people care so much what other people look like?

The girl grinned.
"Why are you so interested in me huh? What's it to you what I look like, what's it to you what I want to look like, who are you? Am I your property? Or are you so infatuated with me?"

The girls looked at each other, one came forward and punched her in the face. The girl laughed.
"Did I hit the bull's eye? You've got everything you want, what do you want from me? I have nothing!" She then shouted.
The one girl looked at her seriously.
"You have something that belongs to me..."
"And that would be?"
"Levi??? Are you serious? Just because he's in love with me, because my personality is prettier than yours, doesn't mean I have to love him too. I just think he's nice as a classmate."
The girl spat on her shoes.
The girl laughed.
"Embarrassing. You're really embarrassing, spitting is really not cool. Just like you."

The bad girl got angry and pushed the other one to the floor.

"You're uncool here! My Levi likes you! You won my award at school! And stole my internship!"

The girl as cool on the floor, her one leg bent.

"Levi has taste. You have no talent. And who wants a bully as an intern?" The girl asked, grinning.

Out of nowhere came a girl with a camera, she laughed, "That's it with you Nao"

The girl named Nao looked confused.
But she slowly realized and wanted to take the camera.
"Nope" said Kira and stood behind the girl who was still lying on the ground.
Nao wanted to go after Kira but the girl swung her leg and kicked Nao away. Kira hit the girl and they both turned and ran away.

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