☆chapter 7☆

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Atsushi pov

What the fuck. Is he fucking with me?
I fucking confessed my love and now he doesn't come to school...that's not normal, he always comes to school and getting sick is rare. Man...this makes me so mad, I've been going crazy over him since what happened, that kiss, those touches, it triggered something in me. Ah...damn it!
"Ey Atushi where is this victim?" Hikaru asked, sitting on the wall. Boah I'm really not in the mood for Hikaru right now.
I'm only friends with the idiot because they hate Isamu and I could hide my love. Now I don't give a shit about him.
"Fuck off and don't call him a victim. He belongs to my family and if anyone insults my family then I get really pissed off get it?!"
I got louder and saw Hikaru's shocked face for the first time. He looked at me for 5 seconds.
"Did you take something? Did he do something to you that trick you like that? Atushi!"
Hikaru got louder, he put his hands on my shoulders and shook them.
I laughed.
"No I'm fine. I want to make my parents and family proud, so I'll stop badmouthing other people now.
But if you want to continue, go ahead, I'd rather stand alone and protect those dear to me...that's it Hikaru, if you want to continue being gangsta do that, but without me, you want to be nice, I'm here for you."
Hikaru laughed lightly and put his hand to his head.
"You're trying to screw me! Atushi! Yah! That was our thing! What's wrong with you! No...that's not the Atushi that's my friend, ever...fuck off!" He yelled and shoved my upper body hard, I almost fell but someone grabbed me and held me down.
"Violence...is never the solution...never...but...it wants out, out, out".
I turned around and looked at Isamu.
But Isamu looked different, a little.
Kind of like a bad boy, from the books.
"Ah there we have him. Isamu. What did you do to Atsushi you fucking son of a bitch! You fucking orphan boy, go bury yourself I hope your physical parents don't exist and-"
Suddenly he was gone!
So fast! He stood in front of Hikaru.
Said something.
And then he was gone.
Not Isamu. But Hikaru.
Vanished without a trace. I was confused.
I ran up to Isamu and turned him to face me. "What happened where is he?"
Isamu looked at me.
"His soul departed..." that was the last thing Isamu said and fell over. I was shocked. I immediately took out my cell phone and wanted to call an ambulance, but someone took my cell phone away and put their index finger to their lips.
"Shh...no ambulance I know what to do" said the stranger carrying Isamu with him, I shivered and followed the strange man, he ran up to Isamu's house and opened the door.
"Who are you and why can you open the door? What are you up to, are you related? Are you a doctor? Are you a police officer?" I asked off without pause and the stranger looked at me annoyed.
"Shut up!" He pointed his finger at me and pushed me towards the hallway without touching me...like magic. The stranger then put Isamu down on the couch by the living room.
I was shaking much more than before.
Suddenly I felt something.
Someone behind me. I turned around.
Isamu? As a woman? What?
"Okey...send off for me" I said and fainted.


Master Haru and I were now at the house of my brother, Akabane Isamu.
While Master Haru left to get Isamu because he sensed him nearby, I stayed alone with Solomon.
Solomon is Master Haru's cat.
But she is also very smart and does great work. I walked around the house and looked at the pictures on the wall. These must be the parents who had adopted Isamu and then unfortunately died a few weeks ago.
Poor Isamu...he looked happy.
There is someone next to him. He seems to be happy too. They must be very close to each other...I can feel it....

The door opened and Master Haru came in with my brother, he put him down and the guy standing next to Isamu in the pictures sputtered fear out of him, he turned around and looked at me and said "Send off for me" before passing out. I scratched my head and ignored the fainted person and knelt down by the couch and took a closer look at my brother. Wow...Stunning. He looks so much like me, I can hardly believe it.
"Now this is not how I thought you would meet, I would have expected more like this, in a quiet place, maybe a park or something, beautiful nature and view, a hug as a welcome gift...now you are kneeling here in front of your fainted brother and by the way the cousin of him is also fainted, this is probably a family thing...kidding, Isamu is only fainting because he can't control his new power yet..." Master Haru talked while I turned one ear to him and my other ear listened as my twin breathed easily. For the first time I felt something I had read, the feeling of joy. But a different kind of joy, in the demon world there was joy for me only when I had hurt someone, or done my job well, or gotten new souls as toys....
Now my joy is something else.
To meet my twin.
And to take him home with me.
Oh boy I have so much to tell.
I also want to know many things from him.
He has to tell me everything he's ever done Since he's been living in the human world, I might as well bang out a list now, where's a note and pen?!
OH HE'S UP AH!!!!!!
"Heyy hi hello I'm Am-"
"I'm Master Haru...Hello Isamu, you must be all confused because wild strangers are kneeling here in front of you...you had a little accident..." Isamu interrupted Master Haru and said something crazy.
"I'm not Stupid...I have the same dream every night...of a girl...a girl who looks like me, of a man hugging her tightly and holding out his hand to me...we know each other don't we?" Isamu asked me, completely ignoring Master Haru, who only made an impressed face. I smiled at him.
"I am Amanozako. Your twin sister, I don't know who is older or younger, but I was looking for you Isamu...Our father told me about you much later, until recently I didn't even know you existed and you probably knew about me too..."
I slowly stood up and helped Isamu to his feet, he pulled me to him and hugged me tightly. I smiled and hugged him back. Isamu slowly shuffled.
"Say...when you said our father...is he alive? And mother? What are with other families?" Isamu asked quickly, all in a row, then looked down at Atsushi. "And why is Atsushi lying there???"
"He's dead I think"
"Amanozako! Don't worry Isamu, he just fainted when he saw your sister, he must have thought wow two Isamus oha". Isamu then nodded slightly and carried Atushi to the couch and kissed his cheek. I squealed loudly.
Isamu smiled and fluffed my hair. I never let anyone touch my hair but only Isamu is allowed to...and Master Haru because he's hot. Isamu looked at me.
"Tell Amanozako...can I ask something really important?". I nodded.
"Where is mother and where does father actually live? Did you travel far?"
I scratched the back of my head.
"How far?" I asked. Ismau shrugged his shoulders. "We're here in Japan Tokyo...are you from far away? Maybe from Europe like that? Other Asian countries? Africa?"
"A black hole..."
"Pfff what? Haha you're funny, now tell me". I smiled awkwardly.
"What else did you see in your dreams...this is quite important".
Isamu coughed slightly.
"You don't want to say it for sure...Well then...in my dreams I had often seen forests but more like gloomy ones where somehow there was no life but still there was life, it was creepy but still very very familiar, like coming out of a Tim Burton movie...the night before Christmas, or Corpse Bride...or like playing a demon in Supernatural..."
I looked at him confused.
"Isamu you have to teach me a lot about the human world..."
"Human world? HAHA I love your choice of words...like you are an alien"
"And I'll tell you about the demon land...". Isamu raised an eyebrow. "Demon land?...WOW AMANOZAKO YOUR EYES!!!!" screamed Isamu.
I showed Isamu my soul reaver form. Long pitch blacks braided on the sides, black eyes and red make up, my skin a little pale, my coat black and long, a black dress under the coat.
And my Weapon. My catalyst. A Thick dark gray book.
"I am Amanozako. I come from the demon land, our father is Mammon, the second son of the previous demon lord...you Isamu...your real name father gave you is Amaterasu...you are the son of a demon and a mortal...we are both half demon and half human. For years you were here in the human world while I lived in the demon world another universe, they say hell but it's not like that, now I'm here because father wants to see you...he wants to see both of us and tell much more about mother...please believe me there is your demon world Isamu...my form is a soul reaver and yours is a soul eater, you take the souls of the bad ones..."
Isamu stood rooted to the spot.
He was just looking at me, listening, trembling a bit, when he was about to speak, someone interrupted him.
"You made Hikaru disappear Isamu...I believe her" said the person.
Isamu turned around and looked at Atsushi who was awake again.
"Atsushi!" Isamu said loudly and threw himself on the ground and pulled him into his arms. I smirked and slowly turned back. "I believe you Amanozako...but...please let me take Atsushi-"
"Take me with you? Where?" Atsushi asked.
"To my father's...to the demon world."
"Okey what are we waiting for? Let's go. I'd like to go to the other world, plus it's good for me to have a little break...but...tell me why didn't you show up at school????"
Isamu cleared his throat.
"Your dad put me through the wringer a lot, i panicked for a second, then I yelled at him and felt weird at home..."
"Your demon power wants to come out, believe me with me it was a disaster,i blew a whole house away" I said and leaned against Master Haru. Master Haru shook his head slightly.
"I'm afraid I'm going to have to spoil your fun for a moment, we can't go back to the demon land, first of all Isamu has to control his demon power, secondly you have to remember that Atsushi is a normie and not a demon so you have to train, is that clear? I already have a perfect place for us..."
I looked at him.
"The bicycle repair shop? That's way too small," I said.
Master Haru shook his head.
"I've already taken care of it, don't worry."

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