Chapter ☆5☆

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No pov

"I swear on my mother that Isamu is a tranny!" Hikaru said loudly in class. Hikaru just told the class who he saw yesterday.
"Hey but no joke, if I was gay I would have taken him".
The class laughed. "You would never be gay, you are totally the opposite!"
"I thought you liked boobs?"
"What if he becomes completely a woman?"
"If he becomes completely a woman, I'll be the first one to fuck him so hard-"
The door opened and Atsushi came in.
"EY ATSUSHI WOULD YOU FUCK ISAMU?" Asked a girl suddenly.
Atsushi rolled his eyes.
"I wouldn't touch him with a pair of pliers," said Atsushi, aware that Isamu was standing behind him. Isamu walked past him and sat down in his seat.
"Well whats up tranny? Now again a guy and in the evening a woman? I think I've revealed your secret huh?"
"What makes you so sure?" Isamu asked him. "I saw you yesterday"
"Where" "in the goth store" "but I wasn't there"
"Yes you were" "How do you know it was me" "Because that was your face heh!" "You've got me mixed up. I was at home yesterday" "Boy, are you trying to kid me! I know it was you!" "Nope it wasn't me"
"YAMADA HIKARU!" Came from the teacher...
Hikaru continued to sit down cursing.
The teacher looked at Isamu for a second and then started the lesson...

Isamu pov

Why does he think I am transgender...I feel comfortable in my male body. He must be really blind to think that I was in the Goth store yesterday, I don't even shop there. My style is completely different.
Well. I really like to wear black.
And goth looks cool, but I would never dare to do that. Other people look much better. I'm average.
Don't even think about it, Isamu.
Now you have to change quickly, you have to look good in front of uncle and auntie....
I took a black shirt from the closet and black pants, as a jacket I took a dark green coat. I did my hair as usual at school, but today it looked a little better. Good. Perfect. Now quickly go running!
I took my bag and quickly walked towards the bus stop and waited for my bus, it came on time this time! Now that's something to be happy about.
The ride took a long time, unfortunately, because of all the traffic. Eventually I arrived near Atsushi, I ran up the small hill and rang the bell.
Atsushi opened up and looked pissed.
"You ar-"
I looked up at him, was a very little sweaty, but still smelled good.
" it's the exact time. I'm right on time on the minute" I said after interrupting him. Atsushi said nothing more and let me in.
"Thought you were the man of punctuality because you are so oh perfect".
"Traffic. And I got dressed up"
Atsushi looked at me confused.
"Because of uncle and aunt..."
Atsushi cleared his throat.
Atsushi pushed me towards the salon.
Uncle was sitting on the couch and Aunt was petting Felicitas, a fluffy white-haired house cat. Atsushi knocked lightly on the glass door.
"Mom Dad. Isamu is here, he is my partner for the history project."
The father, my uncle looked a bit unpleased. He just nodded. "Welcome Isamu. You know your way around here, do your work carefully, after that I would like to talk to you in private." Uh oh. I wonder if this will end well. I bowed.
"You're very welcome uncle. Thank you."
"Isamu Atsushi! I'll prepare snacks for you, you need energy if you want to study well" said aunt and came towards me.
She hugged me and stroked my hair.
She led me to the kitchen.
"You must feel alone a lot after accident, if you need anything I'm here, come to me anytime understand? And Atsushi my boy, make sure Isamu doesn't feel too bad at school, you're like a big brother to him."
Auntie has always been nice. It makes me happy that she still is.
Only with uncle I have doubts now.
Atsushi nodded to his mom and then pulled me up to the library.
"You are here to work not to chat. Here I picked out books about demons, let's take any one you want" said Atsushi and sat down on the table and pulled out his cell phone. He was typing something the whole time.
I then looked at the books and decided on this orange book.
"Here we'll take this. Yokais. There are many things you can say about this, for example Kitsune and Isonade" "Yes, I'll do the powerpoint. You read the books and give it to me in short form" he said and disappeared for a moment. Atsushi then came back with his laptop.
While I'm already through the whole book, Atsushi was sitting on the table typing something on his phone.
"Atsushi. How are you going to learn something in doing nothing?" Atsushi looked at me.
"What are you saying?" Atsushi asked me.
"You're not doing anything. I'm supposed to read all the books while you're just typing on your phone, that's team work, not letting the others do it" I grumbled.
Atsushi laughed a little.
Okey that's it!
Atsushi was sitting on the table still and I stood in front of him.
"What's your problem"
"You are my problem"
"Explain to me why"
"Why do you hate me!"
"Because I do!"
"Because I'm adopted?!"
"Because you are my cousin, were, so to speak, but for my family you are still a cousin, but not respected by everyone".
"Why don't you tell me the reason! Did I hurt you? Did I betray you? What did I do!"
"You're just driving me crazy Isamu! Okey!"
"How do I do that!"
"You just drive me crazy! I want to do things to you that are wrong Okey! It's wrong what I want because you're still part of the family so to speak!"
"What kind of stuff? Atsush-"
"I want to be able to hug you as tight as I can and never let go, I want to stroke your hair, have your smell on me, smell you, hold your hand, stroke your cheek...kiss you and look into your eyes, tell you that I'm fucking gay and have been in love with you since you became my cousin, it kills me because I can't be gay!!!" Atsushi started to breathe quickly.

I am completely speechless right now. My head is spinning, memories are finally making sense. Atsushi never hated me...He was in love with me! All this time! And I had no way of knowing it...

"Study session is over-"
I put my hands down on the table.
"Is that what you've been going through all this time?" I asked, pulling his face closer, I looked at his lips and gently placed mine on his.
I heard Atsushi's shocked moan.
Slowly I put my hands on his hips and pulled him closer to me, man is his waist small, I never would have thought.
Atsushi moaned out in relief and nervously tried to kiss me back.
I took the lead and stuck my tongue in as well. Then as Atsushi was touching my hair and then I was busy on his neck, there was a knock on the door.

Atsushi pushed me away.
I stepped back. Aunty came in with a snack plate.
"Here's your snack and Isamu, your uncle may talk to you now".
"Oh..yes..thank you"
I cleared my throat and walked past my aunt.

"Atsushi Why is your hair messed up?"
"Got into a fight..."
"Oh dear that's not nice"

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