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Raven's POV

"Alright ladies." Cairo says after we've finished our team work out here at the Georgia Tech Campus Recreation Complex. "You're all free to swim."

We easily beat Ireland in our first game of the November window and now were in Atlanta.

"Fucking finally." Freya mumbles then she spins around and heads towards the pool.

"Well someone's impatient." Ali says.

"Just shut up." Azura mumbles as we head to the pool.

Once we get to the pool I see Freya heading into the bathroom to change into her swimsuit she wore at the 2016 Olympics.

The rest of us are just gonna wear our sports bra's and nike pro's to swim in.

"Ali have you put all your stuff down?" I question.

"Yeah." Ali says.

"Good." I say then I push Ali into the pool.

"HEY." Ash says.

"Bitch I will push you right in with her." I say as Ali surfaces.

I've never really been friends with Ash and Ali so I don't really care if they don't talk to me after this.

"What the hell Raven?" Ali says.

"That's for being a cunt and not thanking Freya." I say.

"Why the fuck should I thank her?" Ali says as Ash helps her out of the water.

"You can't be serious?" Rose asks.

"She fucking saved your life Ali." I say. "You had no pulse when she dragged you out of the fucking lake and she brought your ass back to fucking life and you haven't said a fucking word to her since so frankly you deserve to have your ass kicked."

"I don't have her number." Ali says.

"You've seen her for the past fucking week." I say. "And you saw her for a couple days after you got out of the hospital."


"Oh and you could've dm'd her or asked someone on the team for her number." I say. "She'll never say this stuff to you so I will."

"Why won't she..." Ash says, but she gets interrupted.

"Because I don't concern myself with people who don't respect me." Freya says as she walks by us. "You're welcome Ali."

"Ooh Swim time." Abby says as everyone looks at Freya and the swimsuit she's wearing.

"How does that still fit?" Kelley asks.

"Kelley." Alex says. "Don't be rude."

"It fits because I've been the same height and weight since I was 14." Freya says.

"And how do you fit your locs in your swim cap?" Mal asks as I realize Freya has a swim cap on.

I may have been a bit distracted by how fat Freya's ass and titties look in her swim suit

"Put them up in a tight bun then put the swim cap on." Freya says as she sets her stuff down next to mine. "Now if you'll excuse me I have better things to do."

"Geez." Mal says as Freya walks over to the starting block thingy. "She doesn't like us."

"No she doesn't like people who treat her like shit for no reason." Sophia says. "And a couple of you have been doing that since she got on the team."

"Y'all have a habit of doing that." Azura says as Freya gets set in the starting block.

"GO." I shout then Freya dives into the water and starts swimming.

"Geez she's fast." Adelaide says.

"Yes she is Adelaide." I say. "Yes she is."

- - - - -

Freya's POV

"Alright." I say into my phone as I sit on the edge of the 10 meter diving platform. "Well that sucks."

"Yeah." Everest says. "Only good thing is we have DNA conformation that she was in that house."

"We're never gonna find her are we?" I question.

"I don't know." Everest says.

"Fuck." I say.

"Yeah." Everest says.

"Well I guess I'll talk to you later." I say.

"Alright." Everest says then we hang up.

A second after I hang up, my phone rings again and I see it's my sister calling so I pick it up.

"Hello?" I say.

"French Fry." Cosette whimpers

"Bad dream?" I question

"Yeah." Cosette says making me chuckle then I sing like I always do when Cosette has a bad dream.

Je vous parle d'un temps
Que les moins de vingt ans ne peuvent pas connaître
Montmartre en ce temps-là accrochait ses lilas
Jusque sous nos fenêtres et si l'humble garni
Qui nous servait de nid ne payait pas de mine
C'est là qu'on s'est connus
Moi qui criait famine et toi qui posais nue.

La bohème, la bohème.
Ça voulait dire on est heureux
La bohème, la bohème.
Nous ne mangions qu'un jour sur deux

Dans les cafés voisins
Nous étions quelques-uns
Qui attendions la gloire et bien que miséreux
Avec le ventre creux
Nous ne cessions d'y croire et quand quelque bistro
Contre un bon repas chaud
Nous prenait une toile, nous récitions des vers
Groupés autour du poêle en oubliant l'hiver

La bohème, la bohème,
Ça voulait dire tu es jolie.
La bohème, la bohème,
Et nous avions tous du génie.

Souvent il m'arrivait
Devant mon chevalet
De passer des nuits blanches
Retouchant le dessin
De la ligne d'un sein
Du galbe d'une hanche et ce n'est qu'au matin
Qu'on s'asseyait enfin
Devant un café-crème
Épuisés mais ravis
Fallait-il que l'on s'aime et qu'on aime la vie.

La bohème, la bohème,
Ça voulait dire on a 20 ans
La bohème, la bohème,
Et nous vivions de l'air du temps.

Quand au hasard des jours
Je m'en vais faire un tour
À mon ancienne adresse
Je ne reconnais plus
Ni les murs, ni les rues
Qui ont vu ma jeunesse
En haut d'un escalier
Je cherche l'atelier
Dont plus rien ne subsiste
Dans son nouveau décor
Montmartre semble triste et les lilas sont morts.

La bohème, la bohème,
On était jeunes, on était fous.
La bohème, la bohème,
Ça ne veut plus rien dire du tout.

"Thank you." Cosette says.

"Anytime Cozy." I say. "Love you."

"Love you." Cosette says then we hang up.

"I thought I heard a Siren singing." I hear Raven say behind me.

"Does that mean I enticed you in and now we get to disappear?" I question as Raven sits next to me.

"That'd be nice." Raven says.

"Yeah." I say. "Yeah it would."

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