Dragon Ball Super: Exodus (Draft Chapters 28-30)

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As Master Roshi was hiding at Baba's, he saw a silhouette of cloud & a figure from the sky. And from the sky, dropped an elderly old man with a cane.

Master Shen.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't my old friend Shen. Back from the dead?" asked Roshi.

"Save your comments, you vile shell. Your turtle told me where you were & I figured you'd be here anyway." said Shen.

"Why are you here, Shen? Are you here to turn me in to those Saiyan whippersnappers?" asked Roshi.

"No. They got the boys, Roshi. Our boys" said Shen, "Tien, Chiaotzu, Krillin, even that monster, Piccolo. All defeated by one of those Saiyans. One. Now, I heard word that my brother is gone too, so where else can I go see but-"

"Your greatest enemy? I figured one day you'd see everything you've done in the rear view, Shen." interrupted Roshi, "Question is, are you the Shen that helped me fight Piccolo or the Shen that wanted our boys dead over a tournament?"

Shen froze in frustration but collected himself as he fixed his sunglasses.

"Tien resurrected the Crane School his own way. I was angry not because he took my name but made it better than I can ever dream of. I wanted him dead for betraying me but he was still someone I raised. I thought he'd resent anything Crane. But instead, he took a rotten old seed & made a garden of it." monologued Shen.

"Shen, whether you believe it or not, our best years are behind us. We're old men. It's our duty to see our students & family grow better than we ever could. Tien didn't want to be a afterthought in your quest for power & neither should you in his life. Him, Tao, & Chiaotzu are the only bit of real family you got left as are Goku, Krillin, Yamcha, & you, are mine." said Roshi.

"Me? You of all people, consider me family?" asked Shen.

"Ha! You old geezer! We're Mutaito Boys, remember?" remarked Roshi, "If I can forgive you for all your nonsense & you're here trying to find me, what's the point of all this talk?"

"Well if it means anything to you, will you help me find them? Mutaito Boy?" asked Shen.

"HA! I knew you had it in ya, Crane. I can try to find people who can. So... where are they now?" said Roshi as he shrugged.

Suddenly, they both felt a presence tremble from far & Baba tripping off her magic ball.

"Satan City." replied Shen.

At the Saiyan Colosseum, Tien powers up & handily defeats a Saiyan Convert via punch to the jaw, instantly knocking teeth out of his opponent.

"LADIES & GENTLESAIYANS, YOUR WINNER, TIEN SHINHAN!" yelled Ettucè as he raised his hand up.

Tens of minutes go by.

"LADIES & GENTLESAIYANS, YOUR WINNER IS KRILLIN!" said Ettucè as he raised Krillin's hand up.

Soon a montage of Z-Fighters & familiar faces winning.

"CHIAOTZU!", yelled Ettucè

"YURIN", yelled Ettucè in another instance.

"NAM!" he yelled in another.

"YAMCHA!" Ettucè yelled for another & so on.

The list went on as he announced various winners but Vegeta noticed that none of them were his son or even Goten for that matter. He sighed as he saw his title card show up on a large screen & he knew he was destined for battle against Tien Shinhan & his own friends.

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