Dragon Ball Super: Exodus (Draft Chapters 38-40)

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Chapter 38: The Trident & The Spear

As time passed, Whis suddenly launches across the lake as a SSJ2 Celere retracted her spear & fired a pulsating beam from it. Whis deflects it with his staff until he sees the waters rumble from underneath him, Yamoshi using hydrokinesis, bursts towards him in Ikari, grabbing the Angel. Whis smiles as he elbows Yamoshi trying to get him to break free. Yamoshi struggles to contain himself while a greenish aura leaks from within him. Then, before he can turn LSSJ, Whis wiggles away casually & knocks Yamoshi out with a single chop. He points to Celere with his staff to get Yamoshi.

An hour passes & Yamoshi is sitting by the lake once again as Celere walks over to him.

"Hey big guy, you alright?" asked Celere.

"No. I lost myself again. This Super Saiyan thing... it's tough." answered Yamoshi.

"It's all about emotional memory, re-triggering what gave you strength." replied Celere.

"And I'd rather not. Remembering the enemies I've faced, brought me pain... I'll be dangerous." said Yamoshi.

"C'mon, Dangerous. Get over here." replied Celere.

Yamoshi transformed into Ikari first as he began to bulk & gather energy. He started screaming & yelling as his aura began to turn green but Celere placed her hand on his chest & made eye contact at the massive Saiyan. Yamoshi's hair began to turn green but instead of losing his pupils, his eyes returned to their orange coloring. Yamoshi's frown dropped to a sigh of relief as he looked at his hands. They weren't shaking.

"Here's some light to brighten that dark mind." said Celere.

"Light?" asked Yamoshi.

"Thank me later." remarked Celere.

Yamoshi stared at his hands, then at Celere as she walked away towards the tree.

"She came to resume her training with me after less than pleasing results & efforts with Whis... as a hakaishin." narrated Beerus

Vegeta saw Celere was in the upper atmosphere with Beerus of a deserted world with her palm positioned infront of the planet.

"Kill the person you were & make yourself anew. Only then, your imagination will take on destruction. Get it?" instructed Beerus.

Celere closed her eyes as she thought of nothing of destruction. But then, she remembered her family & began to tremble her arm. Celere's arm began to pulse purple as she screamed & let loose a beam that erased a chunk of the planet.

Beerus said, "Good. You didn't transform but you ki-"

"My head. It hurts. I can't... let go." said Celere.

"Whadya mean you can't let go?" asked Beerus.

"It's... everything." said Celere

Her arm was burnt, steaming in the vacuum of space as the purple smoke drifted along with the gravity. Beerus looked at her with a sigh of disbelief.

"Solely focused on vengeance but never necessities." narrated Beerus, "Fixing others, like Yamoshi... but not herself."

Celere stared at the at the sky as she looked out to forest, remembering the chill of the night.

"She was a slave to her own mindset.", narrated Beerus

Vegeta saw Celere returned to Beerus' World, exhausted from her training as she lied in bed unable to sleep. She once again stared towards the skies, pondering her thoughts; sighing at her inability to progess. She then, noticed a faint flicker of light at the corner of her eye. She turned her head & stared over at the lake, watching Yamoshi sit at a fire by his log cabin along the lakeside.

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