Meet with the Raghuvanshi's

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I got up from my bed at 5:30 A.M as i don't like sleeping at all, what i love is working, only working!! I went to my gym after waking up as per as my daily schedule.

Hello, i am Atharva Raghuvanshi, the CEO of A .R. Architectures, that is basically my own company as i started it and created an empire of it from my own!

The things i hate are lies and excuses, the person who can't be on time, isn't worth anything for me,

Because for me time is everything, i don't ruin my time doing absolutely nothing especially when i know how important it is!!

You need to know this thing, that i am a man of few words i don't like to talk, i am very practical and like to act according to it!!

Everyone fears me, except my Maa, she's the only one whom i love in my dark world, she is my everything and i can do anything for her happiness,

And if i mean anything, than yes it's literally anything!!

Only she can order me, noone else!!

I am 28 years old with devilishly handsome features on my face, i have a height of 6'2 and have black dragon like eyes that is enough to kill anyone with its one gaze, then i have a sharp jaw and nose that can make anyone to crush over me

Girls are behind me everywhere, i hate it!!

Don't they have another work rather than simping over me for my looks and fame, i felt disgusting when they try to seduce me with their fake cute faces and extra sweet voice!

My mumma  hates that type of girls too as she know they all are behind me cause i have money and fame or else they would not even look at me, that's the reality!!!

After the gym for 2 hours, i get back to my room with sweat all over my body and face reflecting how much gym work i did!!!

I walked towards my closet and take out my clothes to place it on my bed neatly!!

I took a long shower to refresh my body and then wore my Armani suit that i placed on my bed!! I got ready and wore my Rolex watch while looking at myself smirkingly!

I am so handsome afterall!!!!

I went downstairs and saw mumma sitting inside the living room talking to someone and it's none other than our maid, Meera

i don't know why she like her so much, she's just a maid afterall!!

"Good morning maa!!" I went towards her from behind and kiss her cheeks that made her smile

"Good morning, beta!! Ek sec, again you are wearing this dull colors, how many times i asked you to change this dull suits to some bright contrasting one!! Why don't you listen to me, Atharva!!" She huffed angrily and cross her hands when she looked behind at me

and I sighed!!!!!

"Do you take your medicine??" I asked changing the topic

"I know what you are trying to do, okay!!" She confront and i just ignore her statement and looked Meera for answer

"I gave her the medicine, just a min ago!!" She told and left from there with the tray placed on the tea-table

"Won't you eat the breakfast, now??" I asked as i know she would never eat her breakfast without me

" Obviously i have to eat that tasteless food, you don't left any other option for me right??" She grumble while sulking

Why can't she understand this is just for her better health, she is a diebatic person and also have heart problems, i cant see her leaving me, that's why i am doing this!!

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