31- Bleeding Shark

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"Charm that? What are you a witch too?"

Nova sighs and adjusts her hips into the seat. "Not technically. But my aunt did teach me some blood magic since you know, there is an abundance of it... Magic has to have a sacrifice, my bloodline chooses blood instead of pain or killing small animals. We'd rather just use our blood instead. As are we, I mean me. I found a way to not kill."

"Sounds smart, better even," Kira observes. Her smooth hair bounces as she nods, a small smile on her face for her friend. This comforts Nova and she smiles back while giving a curt nod.

Nova licks her lips. "Can you smell it too?"

Kira shakes her head no, and tilts her head in humor. "My senses aren't that good as his."

"You're lucky. I can smell the three sprays of cologne that Stiles sprayed today." She didn't know if it was three sprays, she just knew he sprayed it a few times from how strong it smelled.

Stiles' face pales. "You can smell that?- Of course, you can smell that," Stiles facepalms himself, but not enough to hide his view of the road.

"It's okay, Sti. Just don't do it again. I like your natural scent better," Nova half-jokes, winking. "From all my senses, my sense of smell is the strongest. I can track a drop of blood up to 10 miles... I'm serious, If you need me to find you? Bleed."

"You're better than a shark," Scott states in pride that he knew a fact. Nova grinned at his happiness, proud of her brother just a tiny bit.


"I want some ice," Nova says as she stands up. Stiles looks up at her from her bed. His hands were up in the air tossing his phone and catching it repeatedly.

"Are you low on iron? How are you low on iron? You should have tons of iron from the intake of the constant blood you take." Stile pockets his phone and leans up, standing up to follow her. Nova walks through her bedroom door and stops at Scott's.

Nova heard what was happening behind the door and covered her ears, continuing to walk downstairs. From the sounds of it, Kira and Scott were having fun. Stiles laughs at her, realizing what that meant. He celebrates with his friend for finally scoring one with his girlfriend.

Once they get downstairs Nova hesitantly uncovers her ears and instantly covers them again. She runs outside to her backyard and jumps onto the ground. She spreads her limbs and sighs in relief from finally not being able to hear them. She gets up quickly and wipes herself off. She was surrounded by big trees. She didn't know she ran that much but she did. She had no idea where she was. She sniffed around in search of Stiles trying to find him. She caught his scent and began sprinting towards it. Once she finally saw him, he was searching around frantically. "What did you lose?"

Stiles sighs and crushes her into a hug. "You...I lost you." His voice was in a worried, the scratch of his vocals wiggling with distress.

Nova laughs heartedly. "Yeah? You lost me in some grass?"

Stiles pushes her away laughing. "Shut up... Okay, I may have lost my phone." Nova laughs harder and pulls her hair into a quick bun. Her eyes glow red and she sniffs around. She finds it next to a rock picks it up, wipes the dirt off of it, and hands the phone to him.

Stiles checks his phone once and then proceeds to pocket it. "What am I going to do without you?" Stiles kisses her temple.

"You would simply die without me, babes," Nova purrs sarcastically. A twig of a branch makes Nova alert and she pushes Stiles behind her.

"What? What do you hear?" Stiles panics. Nova shushes him and sniffs her eyes glowing once more, and her nails grow. She circles, searching for where the sound came from. She finds nothing. She rolls her shoulders and readies herself for what's to come. She raised her hand and sliced her hand with her nail, mumbling something to herself. A strong breeze flows through the air and a thud could be heard behind them. Once again he pushes Stiles behind her and faces the person who fell from the tree.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Nova sighs with agitation. She picks Orion up by the collar and slams him into the tree that was hidden up in. Her forearm rests on his trachea, blocking airflow inside his throat. He attempts to speak but fails due to her arm pressed against him. She released her arm that was pressed against him slightly so he could breathe. His breath scatters, gasping for air.

"I'm making sure John doesn't get near you or Stiles," Orion gasps. His sweat-matted hair was stuck to his forehead.

Nova opens her mouth to speak but pauses and squints at him. "I can take care of myself, as for Stiles..." she turns to the shocked Stiles. He was rubbing his hands on his jeans, ridding his hands from the sticky sweat. "He's taken care of, his blood is poisoned, and he's marked."

"You marked him?!" Orion chokes out. He shoves off Nova and she lets him, she takes a step back and protects Stiles by standing in front of him.

"What else am I going to do? Turn him?!" Nova yelled. Orion snaps his jaw shut, clenching it hard.

"What does marking me mean?" Stiles asked. His hand was rubbing his neck uncomfortably. His other hand was on his hip, holding it and waiting for an honest response.

Nova sighs at him. "You remember when I got you to drink my blood? For the spell?" Stiles nods at her, slowly with suspicion. "That was me marking you, while you drank my blood it marked you so only I could drink your blood. It's a vampire ritual only people who are born vamps can do. I-"

"She made you her mate. Congratulations, when you die you will be reincarnated and you'll meet again." Orion scoffs and hits Stiles' chest. Nova pounces on Orion and punches his teeth. She goes to land another punch but Stiles pulls her off. His hands wrap around her arms, restricting her movement of any kind. Her body pressed against his, relaxing against his.

"Let's go back home, dove." Nova shoves Stiles off her and grabs his hand. Black smoke surrounds them both and the smoke travels home. The smoke sways around the trees, traveling faster than a car.

Once they get home Stiles collapses to the ground and catches himself with his hand planted flat onto the ground. "Warn me next time will you?"

Nova laughs at him half-heartedly and pulls him up. His hands reach for her chin, pulling her eyes to look into his. He kisses her softly, his other hand grabbing her hip, his thumb rubbing circles. He releases the kiss rests his forehead against hers and stares into her bambi eyes. "Now tell me about this mate thing, will you?"

Started: 10/03/23
Finished: 10/04/23
Last Edited: 10/06/23
Published: 10/06/23
Word Count: 1208

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