Avalanche (chapter 8

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Friday April 8th 2022

So I was awoken by my brother the singing dance monkey...

Aside from the noisy shower, the cascading water I imagine down Vin Sander's back...
Or perhaps maybe Ashton Merrygold, but I was torn between him and Marvin... so the water cascaded down all three and those bangs on the porcelain floor and the against the glass...
Then the vibration began...
You know when you go to get your guitar tuned, and then it sounds like a monkey...
"Yup, mum, I demand a refund that I'm stuck with a singing monkey dork...
Here he goes Ladies and Gentlemen it's Monkey Craig banana breath Dork"

He sang in such a high pitched voice and so out of tune that my ears burned...
"Oh my god, I see the way you shine, oh I see you, see you everytime and I and I like your sexy ass style, cake classes, cake classes oh woah woah, I'll give you some fucking cake to lick,"

That was seriously disturbing...
Like he needs to shut the fuck up now!

"Shut up weasel," I said with my pillow now over my head and my hair was now sticking out of my plait and going everywhere.
"Fuck you sammy's pussy cat,"
Craig said angrily...

"Take that back or I'll punch you,"
I said defensively, I was clenching my fists and breathing with an angry face and realised I was just about to hit a damn wall...

"If I punch you back it will hurt you real, real bad, girly go cry to your pussy SammyWhammyCat."

I grunted, "grrr,"
Mum came in with her arms crossed, her face was straight and one foot was infront of the other and she was tapping away in her black, shiny Dune shoes.
She left and then came back, giving me time to stretch, and it was deafening at this point, almost like a black out on Americas got Talent!
At this point I gave up, mum gave me a spare toothbrush and said he has a crush on a foreign exchange student and will be in the shower a while so I was allowed to use her ensuite, I got up, flipped the duvet over and opened my blinds, got dressed into a plain blue shirt and white wash jeans, skincare and teeth were brushed, I just braided my hair today I couldn't because I couldn't be arsed with much more, I went on Craig's bike and did my paper round, there were other people doing it too so I got asked to go to the richer ends of the neighbourhood...
Which I was afraid of, our streets had very few marks on them from birds, or whatever else, over that side- not a single mark and the hedges looked immaculate, I usually notice it while my dad drives past to take me to do boxing...
Well, If I'm honest I not been in a while because I'm working, but he did insist I took one Saturday off and went to train...
I just didn't see the point in it at the moment because I was more into making a living!

Anyways I rode the bike, past the bakers shop that was further up from howells, past PoundPlus, past the post office and the other GP and pharmacy...
Right up past Pivott Street...
Past Jahn Street and rode further up and saw greenery, hedges and beauty...
Someone was out in their garden, I saw so many beautiful flowers, plant pots, trees and a trampoline and sunlounges...
"Morning paper girl is that my paper,"

"Yes sir it is and you have a lovely day sir,"
He tipped me like 40$
"You really don't have to,"
"Look kid I'm an old man and you respect me and bring me my paper and smile nicely now take the money,"
I smiled and he happily handed me the note.
"You have a beautiful smile,"
"Thank you, so do you."
"What's your name,"
"I'm John and what you find funny jokes kiddo,"
"When you wake up refreshed and think it's school time and it's 2 am, go back to sleep and at 8am you can't get out of bed and tell your mum to fuck off,"
"Haha that's a good one I'll see you round Monica,"
I wave at him he seemed cool...
I rode off and he waved at me, I waved joyfully as I rode off into the distance.

His neighbours were also generous, I completed the whole neighbourhood.
The houses were absolutely huge, it reminded me of the Home Alone movie...
Just really huge spacious homes...
I had over $340 in tips.
Literally loads of compliments on Craig's bike too, everyone loved how super thick the tyres were and how good the chain and brakes were and how awesome the horn and extension were and the basket was aluminium which is water resistant and awesome and it did have airholes for the rain.
I also had anti rust cleansers for all the bikes and cleaned them regularly, so yeah, haha! I was happy it was working round this end.
I took the cash home immediately and stashed it away in my secret place.

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