Now you see her Now you don't chapter 19

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Tuesday April 18th 2022

A note for my daddy X...
Here dad remember mr bushy said he would rescue me so here is the boys' address was 1917 Declaration, zip code was 4808142123...
I left at 4am he is usually there at 6am ready to watch me...
I might go at 6am I'm not sure!
Monica xoxo!

I got up at 4 am I wasn't sure I was in the mood for stalking after Sammy yesterday.
Plus him and Grace just broke up, and I'm suddenly a rebound girl to him, nah ah no way!
I just did the papers and then collected my tips! I went to the other end and smelt freshly baked bread!
"Hey Monica I'm sorry about Sammy?"

"How did you know,"

"Kids talking, but here have this bread. I know you love fresh bread, and it's nice and warm and have this smoothie I made it myself,"

"Thanks Howell, cool thats awesome,"

"Wait Monica you can also have these fresh frozen mini quiches, I know you're probably sick of pizza at the carwash,"

"Never tire if it's good pizza, though,"

"Haha, good day dear and don't worry they didn't say anything bad about you, but Jimmy is top gear, you know,"

"Yeah and he took all my donuts last week,"

"Here we are the cheeky Monica we like,"

"I can be a mardy bum sometimes,"

"What's that,"

"Grumpy or mardy is a British term for someone sulky,"

"Haha, okay, see you soon, you mardy bum,"

"Haha, see you soon,"

I rode to some more homes, and an elderly lady spoke to me, "Hey cheeky, we missed you, but your friend ohhhhh, he's some eye candy you should think about dating him,"

"He's dating my sister,"
I laughed so hard I started to cough...

"Oh dear, be careful. She who chokes while laughing means she likes her sisters boyfriend, haha,"

"We are best friends,"

"Best of enemies if your sister finds out you like Jimmy,"

"I scored her a date with Jimmy so those superstitious, keep them way in your head because they're from the 1800s to like 1930, haha,"

"Yes, and you don't have any traditions or nostalgia it's all boring now, Tata dear,"

She reminds me of a mini Monica haha I kind of like her, she does really annoy me though I wonder if I really annoy people like that; man I hope not, but you know what I don't really give a fuck and it's in my head so no swearbox.

I arrived back at 5:45 am, I went back to sleep a little because let's face it, there was nothing to do.
I guess oldieGreyLocks was right this generation is doomed.

Like I'll tell you a story in my sleep zzzarA made fun of an entire nation of grieving people yet kids my age still shop there and the quality and look is ridiculous...
Laughing gas was to put you to ssssleeep... so dentists can drill your teeth, and it was made illegal, and now it's everywhere.
One balloon here, and it doesn't go pop or bang, just straight down your throat into your head and bloodstream. It turns you into a complete baboon loony teen.
Spice was for food, and now it's some cool hip thing to take. Cakes were happy, joyful eats, and now people hide ganja and all kinds of shit in that cake!
Yet kids my age think it's cool ?
It's so not cool. I don't even drink shandy bruv, no I want to get rich!

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