Breaking news part 2 chaper 17

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Sunday April 17th 2022

Here we go again...

I'm Monica Vokasovich, and you see me; I live in a bubble.
A routine, wake up, cup of joe accordinh to the British, and I'm out! Or breakfast, but today I ran out.

I went to see if Mr Bird gazer was there? He didn't seem to be looking up. His silhouette always turned towards me....
I wondered who it could be, Sammy wasn't interested in me, ignored me; yes, he wrote a letter, yes, but maybe just to keep peace?
Oh no? He's not interested! Grace sent it! At this time, I did the papers, and I ran home to cry. His face turned round, and it pissed me off; he's reporting it to Grace, and oh no, he's maybe going to tell her I happy dance and I get all that money!

"Oh no not this bullshit again, I'm fucking tired of this Vokasovich...
Pull yourself together bitch!"

Emily warned and when I regained my breath I told her it wasn't Sammy who sent the letter it was Grace!
"Marcus said it was Sammys handwriting,"

"Sammy doesn't like me though,"

"You're angry at him for choosing your ex best friend, get her out the picture first and then I'll tell you what to do next, but you must follow my rule sheet,"

I got up and screamed, wiping my tears away quickly, Emily was laughing!

"Not on my calcium cannon cheeks,"

Emily gave me a look I could relate to I totally got what she meant and it was a deal!

Mum made funny looking pancakes the infamous emoji pancakes. She tried to make us laugh!
Usually a beard for dad, I wrote Mr Bushy with the icing!
Dad saw it, and he said oh look mummy made you a cry baby 👶 😢 and Emily a princess 👸"...
"Shame she didn't make you into, Mr smelly,"

"Monica, get back here now, enough of this nonsense,"

"Just fuck off and leave me alone dad,"

I ran up to my room and slammed my door and went into my closest and locked it.

My dad was a fucking stalker, "so you climb to the loft and through the air vent you big stalker just go away I want privacy,"

"Okayyy fine I'll ground you,"


"I only wanted to know why you blew up on me, you usually take banter,"

"I don't know I'm being stalked dad,"

"Who is he,"

"I don't know, he lives on the rich end and he keeps watching me every morning, sometimes before sunrise,"

"You scared, no besides Emily and me talked about it,"

"Want me to do a daddy invention and find out who he is?"

At first I thought no fucking way, but it turned out I needed my dad's help!

"Get out of the air vent,"

I hugged my dad, "you know the prickly hairs do grow on you, I can see why mum calls you sexy Mr Bushy and why did she say, can I trim your hedge a little its going to far up my nostrils,"

"I do love you when you're like this, but you're so fucking rude,"

"Oh my lord did you just swear Mr Bushy?"

"Shhh don't tell your mum okay," He whispered.

"Alright," I whispered back and mum wanted to ground me, but dad assured her he had a talk with me, "Mum his hedge has been cut,"

Monica Vokasovich's Revenge (Editing) New Chapters SoonWhere stories live. Discover now