The new girl chapter 31

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Friday April 28th 2022

I obviously got a life and stalking perm lady needs a cat ASAP or if its really a bloke my age he needs a life pronto and if he's older he needs a brain transplant.
So I got my $300 in tips and started dancing and sang, "I'm rich and it's the end of the month I'll live forever..."

Mike was waiting for me he had a huge iced latte waiting for me, I drank it with Aunt Louise in the Garden and had my breakfast and Aunt Louise heard the trees rustling, Mike was a million light years away and by the time he came around and because Aunt Louise was hysterical he had then completely missed the  rustling...
"It was wind,"

"No it wasn't  the wind I heard it and branches were moving,"

Mike decided to put hidden  cameras up to see what made the noises...

"Aunnnttt Louiseee,"

"Mike, stop it Okayyy you have given me a fright,"

"What if it was just a jack Russell haha,"

"I'm not scared of dog's I'm scared of not knowing,"

"Oh okay,"

"Right I'm going to school now, you two comtinue your debate"

"Okay then do you want a lift in my new Scandozala truck,"

"Mike those aren't out until 2023?"

"Not for me, I review it and the sales plummet up to the sky and sell the bastard and review another next year,"

"Okay drop me off,"

Aunt Louise jumped on, "you sure it's not karmic reasons or otherwise you'll get it bad Monica,"

"You're a suspicious old bat, now clip those wings and stop talking such mythical nonsense,"

"Nonsense, it's the truth. You'll see it one day..."

Mike dropped me off, "she was fun; and now it's superstition this and that,"

"I think Sam's socks spooked her, haha. I don't know maybe she needs a break. Some people are complete empaths and I don't know much about it, but they feel people's energy like I used to feel nervous around my ex girlfriend because I felt so attracted to her, but never felt good enough because I didn't have money,"

"Aww and where is she now, don't say she dumped you?"

"No she passed away in a car accident when she was 13,"

"Oh Mike I'm sorry, so you never met anyone else,"

"Yes, but nobody made me feel how she did, like I can do things with them,"

"Like kissing and sex?"

"Haha Monica 😄  yes, but it does feel good, but she made me feel different in a way I can't describe,"

"You were 13 did you even do it?"

"No, but it felt like I was on cloud 9 just looking at her,"

"Aww cute, it felt like that with Sammy and when he held my hand wow, but he's allover the place,"

"You deserve someone good and don't look for it, let it happen naturally,"

"Thanks Mike,"

The doors opened up on the Scandozala Truck, the engine shot like a gun as it stopped and everyone came to look, Jimmy ran up to the car, and Jack Doisi who worked with us...

"Mike this is something else," Jimmy said, followed by Jack who said, wow how much you pay for a Scandozala Truck Mike?"

"Nothing I just review it 2-6 weeks and then return it and review something else,"
"Cool I'll definitely need some contacts,"
"Jimmy first you need to be heartbroken then put all your energy into a business,"
"Ohhkay haha you're random Mike,"

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