Chapter 9: Pre-Party

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School had been fun with my new friend Will, turns out he moved here because he had really strong empathy. His old friends were using it against him and so he moved across the country to this sleepy town to where no one could find him.

He was a fun guy once you get to know him, he loves animals, especially stray dogs.

Today was the day of Stu's Halloween party and i honestly wasn't sure if i should go or not.

I had a choice of three outfits, an angel, A cat or a zombie nurse.

I was undecided, i wanted to ask for someone's opinion.

I decided to call Will and Randy to get their opinions.

I ring Randy first, although I think i know which one he will go for.

"Hello?" He answers.

"Hey Rands" i reply.

"Whats up Vina?" He sounded annoyed.

I frown "i just wanted your opinion on what costume i should wear a cat, angel or zombie nurse".

"Is that a trick question? zombie nurse" he states still sounding annoyed.

"Whats wrong Rands?" There was a pause.

"Nothing" he finally replies "bye" he hangs up.

I stared at the receiver for a second, what was he so annoyed at.

What the hell?

I call Will now.

"Hey, Will here" he greets.

"Hey Will, its Vina" i reply.

"Oh Vina, whats up?" He asks cheerfully.

"Can i ask your opinion on what i'm going to be tonight?" I question.

"Of course!" He sounds happy.

"The choices are angel, zombie nurse and cat" i say.

"That all?" He asks, slightly disappointed.

"Unless you have another idea?" I say.

"Hmm, how about a Dying angel?" He asks.

My eyes widen, thats a great idea.

"Wow" i whisper "that's a great idea, thanks Will".

"No problem, i won't be going though, parties aren't really my scene" i sigh, feeling a little sad about it but i understood why.

"Alright, well i'll see you Monday Will" i smile into the phone.

"See you Vina" he says back before hanging up.

I look towards my Angel outfit, i'd have to rip it up and put fake blood on it, but it would look amazing, Will was a genius.

And its perfectly symbolic.

I put the dress on before grabbing some scissors and tearing the fabric in some places, i then tip some fake blood into a cup and dunk my finger into it before putting it on the rips.

I also put some on the boots to drip down, before coating a wing in it too.

I would leave the halo alone since it is supposed to be untouchable.

I look over my outfit one more time before i decided to paint some burn marks on my outfit too.

I take my outfit off again to let it all dry and then start getting ready.

I showered, did my hair, teeth and false injuries.

For makeup i put on mascara, eyeliner and some gold glitter on the eyelid, as well as some gloss that was tinged with a slight red.

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