Chapter 11: Timepass

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It had been 10 months since the party and the kiss between the boys.

I pretended not to remember any of it and the boys played along, not knowing i did remember every word and action of that night.

It was August now and i was friends again with all but Casey and Randy.

He still sat with the group but i acted like he was invisible, like be didn't exist, he had confessed to me days before i saw him with another girl and i had agreed to date him in a few months, so i could mourn and save him from being used as an emotional rebound. And he started to date another girl.

He and Agatha were together still, Stu had found out Randy was still a virgin from Steve in one of their shared classes, which was weird since Agatha was known for fucking her boyfriends within the first months of dating them.

But who was I to judge the unloyal?

The group had gone back to how we were originally.

I was currently sitting in Sidney's room with Tatum discussing nail polish colors for each other, Sidney had chosen a silver colour and Tatum had bright, almost neon pink for their toenails, i was the only one left to choose my colour and i couldn't decide between black and blood red.

"Go with red Vina!" Sidney encouraged me and pushed the bottle towards me, her wanting me to wear more colour as i was always wearing black nowadays.

I was still in mourning, our family would wear all black for a year after our family's members passed, unless it was our husbands or wives and then we would dress in black for the rest of our lives, i should wear black for 3 years as three of my family died, but i reduced it to one as they all died the same day.

Americans were strange, Sidney had only worn black at her mothers funeral, just one day.

That was not enough time to mourn in my opinion.

I, truthfully was planning on ending my mourning sooner than a year, it was just taxing on me.

It dampened my mood as well, i rarely laugh or smile lately.

Sidney wore more dulled down colours now, rather than her old brighter colours i used to think were questionable. The ones i now miss.

"Alright, i'll go with the red, but be careful, you know it stains skin" i give her a fake smile, and then handed her the bottle.

After 5 minutes of applying and drying they were done.

Tatum rubs her hands together excitedly "now for our hands!" She pulls out more colours and i frown, more?

I guess she kept her toenail polish and her hand nail polish separate.

i look down at my nails hesitantly, i didn't bite my nails but i didn't really take much care in maintaing them, and here i was about to offer my nails to Tatum to do with them as she pleases.

"Vina let me bejewel them please!" She begged pulling out a small box of nail jewels, i sigh and nod, they looked pretty.

She squeals and Sidney starts rummaging though the colours "close your eyes" Sidney smiles at me slightly and i obey.

"Why all this on a Friday night?" I question them.

"Because-" Sidney starts but gets cut off.

"We are all going to the movies tomorrow!" Tatum finished, clearly excited.

"All" i deadpan, that meant the group and their partners, which also meant i was going to be the odd number, i guess i would talk to my invisible boyfriend while they talked to their actual ones.

"It isn't that bad! You can even invite Will, you two are close right?" Tatum asks, clearly wanting me to go and trying to coax me by mentioning one of my close friends.

Tatum always told me i should ask him out as he is 'clearly interested in me', however Will already confessed to me that he liked both genders and that he was dating an older guy, on the down low of course, he would get tortured by the masses if people figured it out.

When Will had told me he was dating another man i was a bit concerned he was messing with me. But it got me to thinking about the way people acted around one another, and it made me suspicous of Stu and Billy.

I am not one to judge, and i wont force any topic out of them, so i just let my mind wander, not my mouth.

After another 20 minutes with my eyes closed, i started feeling very tired "Done" i finally heard and opened my eyes as quickly as i could, blinking away any sleepiness.

I look hesitantly at my nales and see them a nude pink colour with gemstones on them in matching patterns and colours.

"Pretty" i mutter "thank you, you two" i add while holding my hands out carefully so let them 100% percent dry.

"Now you turn Sid, no gems right?" Sid nods and Tatum paints hers a nude brown before turning to her own and choosing a bright plastic red.

I rolled my eyes at the suggestive colour, it was a sexual colour.

"So what movie will we be watching tomorrow? And at what time?" I bombarded her with questions.

"A horror of course Vina, and 11AM we will be meeting with them at the park" i nod and then frown, the park? "The movie is at 12:30" she adds.

"Vina, will you dress in all black?" Sid asks softly, looking down at her lap.

"No, i have been mourning for 10 months today. That is enough for me" I sighed out and turned my face to watch out of the open window, i didn't want to talk about death anymore.

I hear them talking about boys, the newest fashion and who is dating who in school.

Typical teenage girl stuff, which i should be interested in, but i wasn't.

I would have to go home as soon as i wake up tomorrow to get changed into something and more Comfortable.

I couldn't wait.

1051 words
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