Chapter 19: Recovery PTI

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I wake up to banging on the bedroom door.

I cover my ears and curl into myself further, please leave me alone.

"Miss, Miss Morte are you in there, are you hurt?!" I hear Sheriff Burke shout.

I hear a few words before the door is slammed open.

"Miss Morte, everything's alright, are you hurt?" I stare at him before shaking my head no.

"Come Miss, we need to get you to the ambulance" i see a paramedic say as he slowly approached me.

"Miss Morte, you're a brave young lady" Burke says with a false smile.

"I'm not brave at all" i mumble as i am guided towards the door.

"You have saved five lives today, i'd say thats pretty brave" the paramedic butts in.

Wait, five?

I pause and look at him confused.

"Well six, if we include you" the paramedic adds.

Who else survived?

I walk down the stairs with the paramedic, being followed by the two policemen.

"Who survived...this?" I motion around at the trashed house.

"Well you saved Doctor Lecter, Will Graham, Stu Macher, Billy Loomis and Dewey's lives" i look at him before looking towards the van, where the bodies were, there are only two now.

"Dewey survived?" I whisper.

"Yeah, although he is unresponsive and in a coma" Burke mumbles "but he is alive!" He smiles at me then.

I nod and am helped into the ambulance.

I liked Dewey, although i thought he was a bit weird and annoying.

I needed to find out what injuries he had, see if he would remember.

"Your hand in cut, we need to clean and patch it up. Anymore injuries?" The second paramedic asked, i shrug, i couldn't feel any pain right now " She is in shock, she isn't safe to answer any questions right now".

"Miss Morte we will visit you all later, we need to get witness reports" he explains as the doors are shut in his face.

"That girl has been through hell in the last two years" i hear the second officer say to Burke.

"Yeah, i'm surprised she hasn't lost it" Burke whispers.

You have no idea.

"Hey sweetie, i'm gonna give you something to relax, okay?" I nod and lay back as they inject something into my arm.

I soon pass out.


I frown as i groggily wake up, why was it so bright?

I peek one of my eyes before closing it again, everything was White.

Was I dead?

Why would everything be white, shouldn't i be in hell?

I try opening my eyes a few more times, rapidly blinking as i start noticing shapes.

I move my hands around me, a bed.

I wasn't dead.

I look around the room more carefully, seeing an IV which was attached to my arm, the bag was empty so i pull the needle out.

I look down at myself, i was still in my clothes, lying on top of the bed.

My hand was bandaged.

I sit up and swing my legs off the side.

Death To Light(Scream x Hannnibal X OC)Where stories live. Discover now