Chapter 13: Boring

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"Oh my god, that was such a gross movie" Tatum whines.

"I got so bored i fell asleep" Stu states glancing at me while we walked to the exit.

Billy hadn't spoken since our little conversation.

"What did you think Billy?" Sid asks quietly, looking pale.

"It was boring, the blood was too red" he stated while running his hand through his hair.

"Yeah, blood doesn't look that bright!" I mentally face palmed, how would he know what blood looked like, especially in high amounts.

"How would you know?" Tatum questions, her eyes narrowing at him.

"I-uh" he stammers.

"He saw me remember? When i had been shot" i lied to her.

She frowns "oh yeah, sorry i forgot" i glance at Stu and he nods in thanks.

Guess the lie needs to become the truth now.

"Lets get something to eat" Randy suggests and Stu in all his giddy glory claps his hands at the idea.

Me and Billy roll our eyes at him, we both notice and we grin at each other before bursting out laughing.

Stu was watching in awe at the both of us.

I wipe my teary eyes "man its been a while" i speak up, still smiling from ear to ear.

"Yeah, it has" Billy agrees before resting his arm around mine and Stu's shoulders and guiding us after their glaring partners.

I smile at the two girls and they just continue glaring, i shrug and ignore them.

Jealousy is an art only the most scornful of people display.

"What does everyone want? It's on me" Randy asks and I ignore him, glancing at the different food stalls inside the mall.

"I want a burger" Agatha replies and Tatum and Sid agree.

"What about you three?" Randy asks, his eyes staring at Billy's arm on my shoulders.

"Nothing" i say before looking at the two boys quizzically.

Stu eyes the hotdog stall and i glance up to see Billy gazing at me.

"What do you want Billy?" I ask him.

He blinks, breaking out of his gaze and looks around "how about we get what we want and you girls and Randy get your burgers" he didn't really ask, more like ordered.

"Billy, come with us" Sidney holds out her hand and he frowns at it, i do too.

"I don't want a burger Sid" he states, blinking at her like she was dumb.

Which she kind of is.

"Well we can get something else then" she glances at me before looking at her boyfriend again.

I shrugged his arm off before walking to a baked potato stall, i knew he would be frowning at me.

I feel a longer arm wrap around my shoulders and laugh as i see Stu ogling at the stall.

"You want a bakes potato Stuey?" I ask him.

He nods and i push his jaw closed.

"No drooling" i mock him.

He grins at me and i smile back.

"Look Sid, i can be friends with her if i want to be!" I hear Billy raise his voice and mine and Stu's heads snapped towards the group.

"She is clearly into you Billy! Ask Randy!" She whines back.

I raise my eyebrows, are they actually being serious?

"It's true Billy" Randy mutters, shooting a glare in my direction and looking shocked when he sees me glaring back and closer than before.

"So i am into what, four guys now apparently?" I ask them.

Their eyes dart to me.

"Well clearly you must be flirting if you are with so many!" Tatum bites back.

"I am not flirting with any of your boyfriends. I am not you Tatum, i dont hook up with peoples boyfriends. And Randy, get your mind out of the gutter, you're worthless to me. All because i would not date you immediately when my Aunt was murdered you decided to get with Agatha, which was planned by Casey to try and hurt me. Which failed" i laugh at their expressions.

I run my hand through my hair a few times, easing knots out.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" Randy exclaimed, glancing between me and his girlfriend.

"Go ahead Agatha, the secrets out, its the whole reason you haven't spread your legs yet, even though with every other boyfriend you fucked them within a couple months. Ask anyone Rands" i glance at him as i say the last part.

He looks at his girlfriend confused "Agatha?".

She suddenly grins "thank fuck for that, i was getting sick of pretending to like him" she nods at me "yeah Meeks the geek its true" she glares at the group before laughing "you're all so gullible" she then walks away and leaves the mall with her head held high.

"Oops" i say, popping the p with the smile "and you all treat me like i'm the enemy" i turn on my heel and walk to the potato stall, being given a styrofoam box with my hot potato, beans and cheese, i take a plastic knife and fork before sitting at a bench to eat it.

I'm always the villain.

I see someone sit next to me with their own potato and smile up at Stu, he smiles back and side hugs me before eating his food.

I start on my potato.

As we eat in silence i see more people sit down with us, Billy, Sidney and Tatum and then finally Randy.

The three looked guilty.

What is the betting they blame Agatha for their jealousy.

I finish my potato and sit up, i laugh as i see Stu finish his with a glossed over look.

He was a foodie, I noticed he had potatoes on his chin and giggle "Stu, food on your chin" he shrugs and leans towards me " i didn't grab any paper napkins" he leans forward more and i sigh, wiping it with my finger and showing him.

He then does something that shocks us, he licks my finger.

I feel pink start dusting my cheeks as my mind finally picks up on what he just did.

"Stu, what the fuck?!" Tatum shouts as i just stare at the blue eyed boy who had frozen in time just like i had, his eyes searching mine for something.

He then breathed out "what, it was my food!" He whines in annoyance, i feel a hand on my hip, rubbing circles and i relax before the hand disappears.

"You can't just do that to another girl!" She points at him from across the bench.

"It'a fine, Vina's not a random girl after all, she is our best friend" he grins at his girlfriend "its not like i'm cheating on you" he states coldly.

"What is that supposed to me-" i cut her off.

"Will you please stop, he was in his food coma state and he saw his food on my finger and ate it, it isn't serious Tate" i state and stare her down.

She sighs before her shoulders slump "sorry Vina" i nod and stand up.

"I'm gonna shop for a little while" i motion around "alone" i add, seeing Stu stand up.

He sits back down with a sloppy grin at me.

I walk further into the mall to get some new pyjamas, my old ones being too tight across the bust. I also got new underwear and bra sets.

1245 words
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