Chapter 21: Innocent Until Proven Guilty

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It has been two weeks since the Woodsboro Massacre and since any murder has happened.

Police have officially announced it was in fact Neil Prescott, Sidney Prescott's father who committed the many crimes against the citizens of our sleepy town.

His motive is still yet to be discovered as-

Stu's mother turns the TV off.

"Enough of that, are you done packing Stuart baby?" He gives me an annoyed look as i make a cradling motion with my arms.

He was so spoilt.

"Yes mom" he replies, pushing me lightly as i snicker at him.

They were all safe to travel now, being young helps with faster healing i guess.

We had booked everyones tickets together, i was to catch the next plane later in the day, as the movers were running late.

"Gogogo Stuey" i push him towards the front door.

He digs in his heels making me walk into his back.

"I forgot one last thing" i gave him a 'really' look.

He walks closer to me "theres nothing on me you need to get" i point at it.

"There is something from you i need" i tilt my head questionably.

He leans down and kisses me, tilting my head back more.

I bite his lip and he pulls away "mean" he whines.

"Deserved" i retort before we both break out into laughter.

I lean up to him as he grins and peck his lips once "go".

He waves at me before walking out the Door.

I watch as the cab pulls farther and farther Away.

I glance at the boxes waiting to be picked up.

I hope they arrive soon.

I hear a knock on the door and open it.

It was Sheriff Burke.

"Hey, Miss Morte. I heard ya leaving?" I nod "well i wanted to thank you" i frowned "i wanted to thank you all but i guess you're the only one left" he chuckles nervously.

"Forgive me Sheriff, what for?" I ask.

"Can i come in?" He asked and i let him through with narrowed eyes.

"It's just that I have been investigating on my own. I noticed a different knife was used on Sidney than the others" i tense but smile at him, pretending to be confused "do you own a switchblade Vivina?" I shake my head, no.

"I don't Sheriff, forgive me but the movers should be here soon" i try to usher him out.

"I know what you all have done" i pause, looking up at him with raised eyebrows.

"And what have we done Sheriff?" I ask.

"You're the ones behind the whole thing, Billy with his temper, Stu for the fun, Dr Lecter for his hatred, Will Graham for Dr Lecter" he lists them off.

"And me Sheriff?" I ask him, i see him grip his gun holster.

"You're a psychotic serial killer. The kills stopped as soon as you left Florence" he grinned at me knowingly and i returned the smile.

"Then arrest me officer if i am guilty" still no movers.

"As soon as i report this in to them, you will all be hunted down" my smile widens.

"You should have reported it first Burke" i say darkly.

He points his gun at my head.

I raise my hands slowly, backing up two steps.

"You are threatening an innocent Officer" i tell him.

Innocent until proven guilty.

"You're far from innocent" he snarls at me "do you not feel guilty about any of them?!" I think, i felt bad for Sidney, but not guilty.

"No. I didn't kill anyone" i smile again.

"You-" i cut him off.

"I, myself didn't kill anyone" i tell him.

He lowers his gun before rushing to the door.

I grab my own gun from the drawer in the hallway "Sheriff!" I call.

He turns back and sees my gun "i want to show you a little something, walk" i motioned towards the kitchen, glancing once more towards the front of the house.

He puts his hands up "oh and drop the gun" i back up slightly, out of his range as he pulls his gun once more out of its holster and drops it on the table. I walk around him at a good distance to allow him to walk first.

I grab his gun as i pass it and switch the guns so i was threatening him with his own gun.

"Stop, open that door" he opens the basement door and i push him down the stairs before following him.

"You won't get away with this Miss Morte" he glares at me.

"But i already have Sheriff, you must feel so guilty, you let all these students down and they died for your own mistakes" i mock "now turn around...slowly" i purr at him, he obeys "sit, you must be tired" he does as i say.

"Sheriff, if only you left us alone" i tut before stalking towards him, switching the gun into my left hand and grabbing my switchblade out of my pocket.

I tilt his head up with it, he closed his eyes awaiting for the cut, instead he hears a click as i shoot him in his head.

He slumped forward, i had shot him just below the temple, it looked like suicide.

I grin, wiping his gun clean before placing it in his hand and lowering it to his side.

"Goodbye Sheriff" i whisper as i run back up the stairs, shutting the door using my sleeve and putting my gun and knife back in their padded home.

The wooden box was insulated with foam and foil, which is why it escapes detection at the airport.

I look at the door as the doorbell rings.

I open it quickly "hello, please come in, everything is in this room" they nod and get to work packing everything in the moving truck.

I watch as they remove everything, i see a photo of the old friend group on the mantle and pick it up, inspecting it, it had Billy and Stu with their ex girlfriends, Casey and Sidney, me, Tatum and Randy were stood near them and i notice Will and Hannibal in the background, talking under a tree.

I put it into my backpack and follow the movers out the door, calling a cab on my cell phone as i wave the movers off.

I leave the door unlocked with the key on the inside, wiping it.

Sheriff Burke needed to get in sometime, right?

I walk to the side of the road as i see the cab and climb in "airport, please".


We arrive at the airport and i pay and tip the driver before jogging inside.

Looks like i would catch the same flight as the others after all.

I hear the announcement go off as soon as i enter the waiting area and jog to gate 4, tapping Stu on the shoulder.

He grins when he notices it's me "you made it!" He sidehugs me before passing our tickets to the woman who stamps them before letting us through.

I sit on my own behind the other pairs by the window.

I put my headphones on and close my eyes as we take off.

1206 words.

Death To Light(Scream x Hannnibal X OC)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora