Dont go to Tokyo!

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As Nitori stood on the beach, he bent down and ran his fingers through the sand. He sighed as he looked out at the shimmering blue ocean.

He felt so alone and Rin hadn't even left for Tokyo yet.

The sea breeze made his silver hair flow side by side. It hadn't been an innumerable amount of times that Nitori had ventured down here to come up with a plan to stop Rin, but nothing was possible.

A singular tear escaped and ran down his cheek. He quickly wiped it away as he heard someone call his name from behind. As he turned, he was met with a familiar red-haired boy.

"Shouldn't you be heading to practice?" Rin called out as he walked closer.

"I-uh" Nitori paused to take a breath. "I have things...things to do. Yeah, just things. Sorry Senpai" he rambled.

"What things? Are you okay?" Rin paused to inspect Nitori, looking him up and down.

"Have you been crying?" Rin asked after noticing the other boys red puffy eyes.

"N-no" The grey-haired boy stuttered as he rubbed at his eyes.

" You can speak to me if you need to. I shall leave you in peace for the time being" Rin replied and began to walk away, back towards the town.

"Rin!" Nitori called out in a cry, making the other boy look towards him.

"What?" The red-haired boy retorted as he stood still.

"Please don't go!" Nitori shouted through a waterfall of tears which began to run down his face.

"What!?!?" Rin's eyes widened as he looked on at the sobbing boy.

"You can't go! Because-because you are the only person who gives me any time and you are what I aspire to be but how can I continue without you to motivate me? You're the only one here who has any faith in me and without you I'm just a lost cause! And-and I LOVE YOU!" Nitori shouted as his blue eyes focused on the red ones in front of him.

Rin laughed slightly and shook his head.

"It's not funny! I'm being serious" Nitori replied through sniffles.

"I'm not laughing at that. I was going to wait and tell you later, but I may as well do it now" Rin stood forward and took his plane ticket out of his pocket.

He ripped it straight down the middle and let the two pieces land on the sand.

"I'm not going. It's not what I want" he said and shook his head before grabbing Nitori by his t-shirt and pulling him close.

"I want you" He whispered before their lips collided.

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