Over the Tracks

605 27 5

Rin's POV:

I stood on the train platform like I did everyday, and waited for my transport to work to arrive. The station seemed even busier today and there was a continuous buzz of communication. I slid my hand into my pocket and pulled out my phone. I pressed down on the home button and it illuminated, sharing a photo of Ai and I. I smiled slightly, we had the best of memories. Memories I wouldn't trade for the world. I believe it's better to treasure what we had and celebrate that rather than mourning the loss of what we should have that we can't. I'm incredibly lucky to have the memories I have, not everybody is that lucky. I flicked my phone off and put it back in my pocket.

I made my way through the crowds, a little closer to the edge of the platform. But, my eyes were suddenly distracted by the other side. Over the tracks he stood. His silver hair clinging neatly to the sides of his face. His glassy blue eyes staring right back into mine. Wearing his favourite pale blue jumper and fox beanie. He was right there.

My heart began to race slightly and I extended my arm out, as if I could reach out and touch him.

"Nito-" I began to call out but was interrupted by the loud clatter of a passing train.

The train hurtled speedily through the station, not stopping even for a second. It seemed the train had swept him away with it, as I was left on my own yet again. That side of the platform was now empty. Almost as empty as how I felt without him.

My train arrived shortly after and I managed to get on quickly enough to grab a seat by the window. I leant lightly against the worn glass. My eyes stared out as the train began to slowly pull away.

He was standing on the platform in the exact same spot, but this time he moved. He pulled his hand up into the air and he....he waved to me. I found myself waving back as the train disappeared into the darkness of a tunnel.

Was that the final.....goodbye?

Rintori one-shotsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt