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Nitori's POV:

I lay on my bunk, staring at the wall. It seemed oddly quiet for 10am. Momo would usually be shouting in my ear about stag beetles or snoring his head off. I tiredly pushed myself up and sat looking down into the room. Everything was so still. So silent.

I yawned loudly and ran my hand through my short silver hair, before climbing down the ladders. I peaked into Momo's bunk to be met with....nothing. He wasn't there. I was instantly confused to what was going on. He never usually left this early on a Saturday before? There wasn't anything particular he had to put extra swimming hours in for, was there? Surely I would know.....

I walked over to our desk and picked up my phone, flipping it up and on. I began to write out a text asking where he was and if everything was okay. Just as I was about to hit send, there was a knock on the door. I laughed slightly before turning to face it.

"Momo, is that you? Did you forget your keys again?" I called out loudly and started to walk towards the door.

I placed my hand on the doorknob and began to turn it slowly.

"I told you to always check you have yo-" I began ranting, but was silenced as I opened the door to something unexpected.

A familiar face. But not the familiar face of my boob-obsessed, stag beetle enthusiast roommate. No. It was the familiar face of someone who had gone to Australia to live his dream just over a year ago. 

My jaw was currently hanging open and I had lost all ability to close it as I stared ahead of me.

"Not going to say anything, huh? Nothing like hey! How are you? Or oh I missed you! Or-" Rin began but was interrupted as I wrapped my arms tightly around him, almost knocking him over.

"Rin. What are you doing here? I missed you so so much." I blurted out whilst burying my face in his chest.

"Just, Y'know. Thought I'd drop by and hang out for a while. Nothing major." He joked, sharing a smile which showed off his sharp teeth.

I took a step back from him, taking it all in. He was here. He was back. He came back for me. Before I knew it I was full on sobbing, and the happy tears wouldn't stop.

"I love you" we both said in unison.

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