Nothing he could do / Apocalypse au

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Mainly a TLOU au but also just generally an apocalypse AU


Nitori hiked at his sleeve, trying desperately to cover the bite mark. He was immune but he wasn't sure how they'd react to the mark if they saw.

The two army personnel used the scanner on Haru and then Makoto, both coming out as clear and being allowed to continue on. They stood and waited for the rest of the group though.

Nitori was next. They held the scanner up to him and pressed the button. But this time was different. There were three loud beeps rather than silence. The army personnel then proceeded to look at his colleague and nodding. One of them proceeded to shout at everyone else to move back and get out of the way, Makoto and Haru hesitated and then were threatened so they moved back.

"What's going on, what's going on? I'm immune I promise!" Nitori began to panic.

"He's immune, he really is. It's like three fucking weeks old. He's immune you have to trust us!...what're you doing, let go of me! Fucking let go!" Rin began speaking but then was grabbed by one of the soldiers, who proceeded to drag Rin away.

Nitori's face turned to complete and utter fear as he watched the other soldier, who wasn't carrying Rin, begin to reach for his gun.

"Rin, Rin?" Nitori turned to look at his boyfriend being dragged away, his eyes wider than they had ever been in his whole life.

All of a sudden life seemed to go in slow motion.

Rin was screaming No repeatedly, reaching his arm out towards Nitori. He couldn't even feel himself screaming, he could just hear it. It was happening and he had no choice.

Rin and Nitori's eyes met one last time before there was a loud bang and Nitori fell to the floor. Like a feather in the wind. His body then went limp.

Rin found himself screaming and shouting and thrashing loudly.

There was nothing he could do.

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