Blue waves / TW: Cancer

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Rin sat by the window in his bedroom, his eyes fixed the calm blue waves of the sea. The sea had always been a form of comfort and peace and it was very important to him.
As he watched the white foam against the pebbles, his mind was cast back to one particular afternoon around two weeks ago.


Rin and Nitori lay on top of the pale blue sheets, Rins's eyes gazing out at the sea beyond. The waves calm and blue and soothing. The window was open slightly so that the screeches of seagulls could flood the room and distract their minds from the beeping of medical machines.

It was warm but not too warm. It was a nice warm. Rin's hand ran through Nitori's silvery hair, twisting little strands gently. Nitori had fallen asleep and his head rest on the other boys chest. His little breaths soft and quiet. 

Rin turned and cast his eyes upon the boy lain across him. He smiled slightly. He always enjoyed watching Nitori sleep. It was peaceful and his face was always so innocent and cute.

Cancer hadn't yet taken his hair which made him concerned that he stood out. Only Nitori would have been worried about such a thing.

Rin continued to run his hands through Nitori's soft hair, enjoying the feel. It was nice. It was nice just being there quiet and still and calm and safe. As if nothing could break them apart. As if the cancer didn't exist at all. Well apart from where they were. There was no escaping that.

But somehow on that day the room didn't feel so bad. The photos of Nitori and friends and cards stuck up on the wall gave it a warm friendly feeling. There was nothing sad about that day. They had accepted the circumstances and embraced them. Somehow. Rin kissed Nitori's forehead and continued his gaze out at the blue waves.


Suddenly Rin's mind was brought back to his present position as there was a knock on his bedroom door.

Gou opened it slightly and stepped in. She was wearing a pleasant black dress with a cropped black cardigan. She took a deep breath and then looked at Rin.

"Are you ready to go?" She asked, frowning slightly.

"Yup" Rin replied as he stood up and slid a piece of paper into his suit jacket pocket.

He fiddled with his black tie slightly and then walked over to Gou. He didn't cry or wail or scream about how angry he was and how it wasn't fair. He simply nodded and they walked out of the room. Ready to say their goodbyes.

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