Gone / Demon AU

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It would've been completely pitch black without the help of the moon. It shone over the water, making it almost sparkle. The beach almost looked like something out of a fairytale. Ironic, as tonight it was quite far from it.

Rin and Nitori stood metres apart, only the moonlight revealing their presence.

"You know why I am here" Rin's voice called out, breaking the painful silence.

"Knowing is one thing.....understanding is another" Nitori replied, not attempting to shorten the distance between them.

Rin blinked, and with this came the answer. His eyes changed. He changed. His eyes had gone from a warm red to completely black.

"I am a danger to you, you know this. You may have accepted my true being, but I cannot simply comply with your acceptance and act as if I couldn't hurt you" Rin stood still, staring ahead at the silver-haired boy as he spoke.

"You won't hurt me! You haven't hurt me! We've come this far without any accidents, why would any happen now? You are in control aren't you?" The silver-haired boy replied, becoming slightly more panicked.

"I'm not saying I would physically attack you or eat you or any of that, what I'm saying is i would be the cause for your hurt. Even if it wasn't my hands doing the hurting per say. All I know is that I have to leave. Tonight." The words felt cold as they left Rin's lips.

Nitori took a step closer but stopped when Rin took a step backwards. They stood for a second yet again, not communicating at all. The only thing that could be heard was an owl calling in the distance.

"I-I don't understand...." Nitori spoke yet again.

"They're coming for me, and they'll come for you too if I don't leave here. Leave you. They'll kill you, and I'm not going to just stand around and wait for it to happen." The red-haired boys voice raised a little, becoming frustrated at the situation he had put himself in.

"Who? Who's coming?" Nitori questioned.

"More.....more of 'my kind'. I ran away from it all. I didn't want a part in this. In them. They're bad. I never wanted to be this. I'm a horrid monster, but I'm not like them. I never could be. That's why I ran from them, but I can't run anymore. They've threatened to kill anyone I love if I continue to run and disobey them.

I mean I'm not going to just hand myself over. I can continue to be invisible. To be invisible very far from here. They don't know about you, and they don't need to.

So I leave. Tonight." Rin blurted out, confessing.

"Why-why didn't you tell me? And why can't I run with you? Why do you need to run at all, surely they can't know your whereabouts? Just please please don't leave me here alone. Please Rin this isn't fair. You can't just walk into someone's life, tell them you love them and then go." Nitori wobbled slightly, trying not to cry.

"Life isn't fair. Neither is love. Yes, I should never have let myself love you and let us grow, I know now that that was wrong. It was so very wrong of me. But I am doing this because I love you, and only you. I don't want this. I want you, but the point is I can't have you. I love you and I'm leaving tonight. Please don't make this harder than it already is, because I'm leaving no matter what you say. I have to, I won't let them touch you. But now you must do something for me, you must live as if I were to have never existed. I want you to forget about this and me and be free. Then one day, one lifetime far from here.........we will meet again Nitori." Rin replied as he began to walk forward, he stopped inches away from the other boy.

Rin's hand brushed Nitori's cheek, running down to his chin which he proceeded to lift up slightly. Nitori's eyes began clouding up slightly, a couple of tears escaping. Rin's lips touched Nitori's and they softly kissed in the shining light of the moon. After what seemed like eternity, their lips disconnected.

"Thank you" The black-eyed boy whispered before proceeding to walk past Nitori.

He walked and walked and eventually disappeared out of sight. Out of Nitori's life.

Just like that.


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