Just, I'll miss you

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Rin's eyes opened slightly, forming slits. A groan escaped his lips as he pressed himself up against the wall.

"Nitori? Are you safe?" He called out into what appeared to be a boarded up and abandoned shop.

"I managed to drag you in here after you collapsed....it was hard but I did it and-" Nitori quickly walked over to Rin, but was interrupted by his red-haired companion.

"You have to leave now" Rin replied, opening his eyes wider and looking over to his friend.

"I locked the shutters, we're safe! Don't worry! But are you-" Nitori began.

"You have to go! Open the shutters!" Rin said more demandingly.

"No, we are safe here! I can't open them anyway, but if we desperately need to escape at some point then there's a back entrance. But we are safe, take a breather" The silver-haired boy spoke calmly, bending down to kneel next to Rin.

"Go that way then! Go, now!" Rin almost shouted, grabbing onto Nitori's arm weakly.

"Why? I don't understand! We are safe Rin!" The smaller boy spoke innocently, confused.

"You're not safe. Okay, you're not. We didn't cut it quick enough, I didn't show you soon enough." Rin said rather frantically, slowly reaching for his back pocket.

"No no, Rin no! This can't happen. We cut it!" Nitori's face turned pale, his hand reaching for Rin's remaining arm.

"I was bitten God damnit. I'm going to turn, Nitori. Just like them outside. You must go" Rin's breath was becoming slower, blood still dripping from where an arm once functioned.

"I don't want you to be one of them. You can't be one of them" Nitori wailed.

Rin's hand grasped the gun that sat in his back pocket, pulling it out and placing it on the floor in front of him. He shoved it towards the other boy, looking up at him.

"You know what needs to be done now" He said quieter, removing his hand from the gun.

Nitori's hand slowly reached for the weapon in front of him, slowly grabbing a hold of it and pulling it up in front of him.

"Rin, Rin I don't know if I can!" Nitori whimpered, his blood-splattered face looking from the gun to Rin.

"I know it's awful beautiful, I know and I'm sorry. But you have too........"

"Rei, Nagisa and Sousuke, they're waiting for you by the train tracks. You remember how to get back there don't you?" The red-haired boy placed his hand on the others knee.

"...I do" Nitori nodded slowly, tears starting to cascade down his face.

"Good. They'll look after you, you'll be safe with them....

And Nitori.........keep your hair that way, I like it..." Rin forced a slightly smile.

"I-I will" Nitori mumbled, battling the tears.

"And also..." Rin started but closed his eyes slightly, leaning back against the wall more.

"What? What is it?" Nitori leant forward slightly, his eyes widening more.

"No, nothing. Don't worry. Just......... I'll miss you" Rin spoke, then sighing as he managed to open his eyes again.

"I'll miss you too" Nitori said, sniffing as tears still continued to flow.

A few moments passed with no words spoken, and Nitori began to move back slightly. His hands slowly raised the gun in front of him, pointing it towards Rin's head.

He whimpered and lowered the gun but then quickly brought it back up again. He let out a another whimper before closing his eyes and pulling the trigger.

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