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So this is very loosely based off of a scene from the Korean BL movie 'Night Flight' which destroyed me. Tw: homophobia and severe bullying

Rin turned round the corner and was met with Nitori and three other boys. The school corridor was long and they were about half way down it. Rin stayed at his end, trying to make sense of what was happening without getting involved.

"You're just a disgusting little homo" One of the taller boys said with a laugh before pushing Nitori, making him hit the wall.

"Disgusting" Another one of the boys with black hair retorted, grabbing Nitori's arm.

"Please let go of me" Nitori said quietly, still gripping his red cheek.

"What was that? I thought you liked being touched by other boys" the black haired boy said with a laugh.

The tall boy proceeded to get his phone out and grin at the black haired boy, leading the black haired boy to grab Nitori's crotch. The tall boy began taking photos.

"Huh, you like that?" The black haired boy laughed and then let go of Nitori.

"P-please stop" Nitori mumbled with a flustered tone as he tried to walk away and push past the boys.

Nitori was met with a knee to the stomach, making him fall to the floor.

For Rin, this was the last straw. He began walking quickly down the hallway and grabbed the tall boy. He threw a vicious punch and then was met with one in return. Rin then grabbed the boy and flung him to be floor.

The black haired boy grabbed Rin and bashed him against the wall. Rin took a second and hen grabbed the boy back, bashing his head against the glass window which proceeded to smash into multiple little pieces.

Nitori was too busy sitting on the floor clutching his red cheek and bloody nose to restrain Rin.

The noise had gathered slight attention and people began to exit the classes at either end of the hallway.

A teacher came out and tried to restrain Rin but Rin elbowed him in the stomach. Temporarily immobilising him.

Rin began to walk over to Nitori to see if he was okay. Nitori looked up to see the red-haired boy coming towards him. The red-haired boy he loved.

But all of a sudden the third boy appeared at one of the classroom doorways with a chair. He walked quickly over behind Rin and began to lift it up.

"N-no.......stop!" Nitori blurted out loudly, reaching his hand forwards. Grabbing at air.

It was too late. Rin was struck and he fell to the floor, unconscious and bloody.

Nitori quickly got up and ran over to Rin. He bent down and shifted Rin into his arms, rocking him frantically.

"Help, someone call an ambulance! Call an ambulance now!" Nitori wailed with panic, looking around at the crowds that had gathered.

Nitori began to cry. He was scared and panicked as he rocked the red-haired boy in his lap. It was so cruel. Punished for love.

Maybe they could never be together.

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