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Rin and Nitori sat on the beach as the sun was setting. Pinks and reds filled the sky, lighting up the beach in the most beautiful way. It was even warm and the boys wore shorts and t-shirts.

"I like the way the colours of the sky reflect on the water" Nitori said with a slight smile, nodding towards the sea.

"Sure" Rin replied with a nod.

The grey-haired boy lay back, resting his head against the sand. Rin swiftly followed. They lay and watched the sky change from a beautiful array of colours to a pitch black carpet flecked with stars.

Nitori's eyes weren't glued to the sky though. They were glued to the boy laying next him. He knew what he had to do, even if he was dreading it. He knew tonight was his last chance to. He had to. But not quite yet.

Rin's hand brushed against Nitori's. Instead of moving it away, their fingers intertwined and he squeezed the smaller boys hand.

The silence was somewhat peaceful and calming. They were both somewhat distressed though, but for completely different reasons.

"You must come visit me in Australia, you'd like it for sure." Rin said as the stars twinkled above them.

"Y-yeah...maybe one day.." Nitori replied quietly, his voice filled with uncertainty.

Silence returned as they continued to lay on the beach. Absolutely no one was around and it felt so precious. Anytime they were able to spend together was now precious. In two ways.

"D-don't go....please" Nitori burst out.

"What? I have to go. I'm sorry. I'll miss you, but I'll come visit. I promise." Rin replied as he turned to look at Nitori.

"Yeah, you're right.....sorry. I'm being stupid. I'm happy you'll be living your dream. And we'll still see each other maybe.." Nitori glanced at Rin but then continued his stare at the stars.

No words were spoken for what seemed like forever as they continued to enjoy each other's company. Rin was due to leave for Australia the next day, his flight leaving in the early evening. It was an exciting yet saddening time. He was going off to live his dream but that meant leaving everything he knew and loved behind. Including Nitori.

Nitori turned his head to look down the beach. They really were alone out there. Nobody was in view. He took a deep breath before realising what he had to do. He had to tell him.

"I'm dying"

Rintori one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now