Towards the Future

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Rin's eyes were glued to the sparkling blue surface of the water that swayed in front of him. It was so pristine, so perfect. The sun was beating down upon it, giving it a mirror like effect.

He lifted his hand up and ran it through his red hair, letting it drop messily. He didn't really understand the idea of such formal and fancy wear at this certain time. Why gel your hair back? Why put on an expensive suit? What was the point? It almost irritated him.

The red-haired boy bent down and grabbed a fistful of sand, squeezing it tight then letting it crumble back out. The small particles escaping his hand and slowly reconnecting with the majority below. He brushed any remaining sand off and stood back up.

"Rin, come on. We have to go now" Haru called over, dressed in a perfectly ironed suit.

"No" Rin replied quietly, not breaking his gaze out to sea.

"No? Rin.." The blue-eyed boy walked towards his friend, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"I said No! I'm not going!" Rin pushed Haru away from him forcefully, making Haru stumble back a few steps.

"Really Rin? Didn't you care about him? Because I know he cared a fucking lot about you!" Haru shouted, frowning at the boy in front of him.

"What did you- what the fuck did you just say to me? You think I didn't care? How dare you come here and say that I didn't care! That's why I can't- that's why I can't go! Because I care - I cared." Rin turned around quickly, walking towards Haru and shoving a finger into his chest angrily.

"Then you're going to go and you're going to pay your respects and you're going to be okay because we'll all be with you" Haru said whilst taking a hold of Rin's finger and removing it slowly.

Rin took his hand and ran it through his hair again, trying to neaten it slightly. His eyes clouded slightly and he tried so hard to battle it.

"Thank you, y-you're right. I'm just being selfish. I-" Rin began but was interrupted by a cascade of tears.

"There's nothing to thank me for Rin. I can't for a second imagine what you're going through. I can't imagine what I'd do if anything happened to Mako-....... The least I can do is help you take some steps." Haru said whilst taking Rin's hand.

"I love Ai......I loved Ai. I did. But I don't think he knew that. I shall regret that for the rest of my life Haru, I will." Rin spoke as the pair walked away from the beach.

"Oh, he knew. Trust me. He knew." Haru nodded with a slight smile as they walked off together, towards their friends.

Towards Nitori's goodbye.

Towards the future.

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