Ocean / AoT AU

404 22 13

Rin could feel his body shutting down. His survey corps jacket may as well have been red as it was stained with so much blood.  His breaths were shortening and he was finding it harder and harder to continue walking. He was almost a hundred percent sure that none of the squad were left alive, not even Haru or Makoto this time.

If it was his time, he was ready.  He was ready to be reunited with people he loved.

After a few steps more his legs buckled and he flew to the ground, smacking his whole body harshly. Blacking out. 


All of a sudden his eyes opened, but he wasn't on the bloodied field of death anymore. He was........on a.....beach? Well that's what he presumed it was. Nitori used to talk about them all the time.

Speaking of Nitori, suddenly he noticed a petite figure down by the waters edge dressed in all white. The water being what he presumed was the ocean?

Rin ran a hand through his hair before standing up. He noticed that he too was dressed in all white just like the figure.

Suddenly Rin found himself walking forwards. Towards, was that....no, it couldn't be.......or, could it?

"Nitori?" The words left Rin's lips before he'd even noticed.

The figure turned to face Rin, their blue eyes staring right into his. It was Nitori.

"Isn't it beautiful Rin?" Nitori spoke quietly, reaching a hand out towards the other boy.

"The....ocean?" Rin replied as he took the smaller boys hand, continuing to walk forwards.

They stood, hand in hand, staring at the shimmery blue water ahead of them.

"I died, didn't I?" Rin asked abruptly, turning his head to look at Nitori.

"Yes, you did. Just like me. But don't think about it. This, is where we belong now" Nitori replied before hugging into Rin's chest.

Rin's hand ran through the smaller boys soft silver hair. He found his head resting atop of Nitori's, closing his eyes tightly.

"I guess so" Rin whispered, his hands clinging onto the smaller body in front of him.

Maybe, this was home now?

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