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Emilia is a young 18-year-old girl, she is the middle child of 3. There is Casandra Lebrock 21 years old already married to the head of the knights. An honorable man Eric Sanders, they already have 3 boys Liam, eric jr. and Sam.  they are 2, 6 and 12. Then there's Emilia, and Susan 17 years old, she's been courted by a lot of man but she's still waiting for her true love. She still has time since is Emilia's time to get married, but for her is really difficult. She has brown hair, hazel eyes and tan skin. Her sister, Susan is even prettier she's a red head with blue eyes and white skin like paper. Casandra is blonde with green eyes and cream skin. The Lebrock's had 3 really different kids, Malcom Lebrock and Sandra Lebrock have been married since they were 16. They own the newspaper in town so they are really strict parents, they don't want to be the head of the newspaper gossip. They maintain a really strict pattern with their daughters, so strict that they don't let Emilia use her glasses, she has really bad eyesight, but they don't want people talking about her daughter being blind, so then they won't marry their daughter thinking their kids will be blind too. They put their girls in music and literature classes, so they are more than prepared for courting. They love their daughters very much but in a world like this you have to aspire to be perfect. So, there is no room for mistakes. In the afternoons they all gathered in the family room while Susan played the piano and Emilia looked out the window. Their mom enters the room, with the newspaper on her hand.

"Emilia out the window please, I don't want people to look at you with the glasses on" she orders.

"Sorry mother" 

I walk and sit on the chair in front the coffee table.

"Come Susan, I have important information for you two" she says exited.

"What is it now mother" Susan said irritated walking towards us.

"look" she pointed the newspaper "the boys from the Winchester family, they are coming today, they were studying abroad, people say they are the most handsome man now, you know what that means?"

"But mother, they won't even look at my direction" I say sad.

"Or you to them" Susan said mocking me since I can barely see a couple feet away from me.

"shush" mother said mad "you too need to start finding a husband, or you'll be old and lonely, these two young men have promising future, so put yourselves together and get out there."

"Yes mother" we both say.

"Perfect, I'm calling the tailor to prepare the most beautiful pink dresses in town."

Our mother left the room so happy she was shining all the way.

"uhg! pink" I said.

"I like pink."

"Well maybe because you look good in every color."

"Yeah, maybe because I don't look like a pig like you."

I stand up and jump over her pulling her hair, she starts kicking me, we were pulling and hitting like cats on an alley. Then our older sister enters the room and separates us.

"you guys really need to stop fighting" she said mad "what was it now?"

"She called me a pig" I said fixing my dress.

"You don't look like a pig and Susan you don't look like a princess in pink so get off your cloud for an instance."

"Fuck of Cass" Susan said fixing her hair.

When is only the three of us we can be ourselves, inside the house I can use my glasses and be me, I'm not good with instruments or singing or dancing. anything a Young refined woman should be. I have big round glasses on my face like an old woman, I'm not so skinny and my boobs are way bigger than they should be, that's why my sister call me pig.

"I love you too, now you heard mother, today both of you should behave and try to attract those two's attention."

"I don't need classes on how to be charming Cass, I am already."

"Susan these two come from America they've seen a lot. they won't be impressed with little you."

I laughed inside my mouth. "don't you there laugh pig"

"Hey, stop it now, you two have to work together, you have to make mom and dad proud and find a good prospect."

"But what if we don't like them" I say fixing my glasses. 

"Well, you two don't have many choices."

"I hate this town" Susan said letting her body sink in the sofa with floral pattern.

"Well bad luck for you but this is what you got, now always look mysterious but not too much, you don't want to scare them, laugh at everything he says, always look down and don't ever eat in front of them, don't speak too much only what's necessary."

"You do realize that a lot of stuff." 

"you guys are doomed."

Our mother enters the room with the tailor, she starts taking measures of our body and then left. After a couple of hours almost time for the welcome party, the dresses arrive. I was in my room looking at the dress on top of my bed. I started crying, I know nobody will ever look at my direction, and if they do, I'm to awkward for them to stay. someone knocks on my door. I clean my tears and let them in. it was Susan already in her dress. She looked beautiful I bet they will be drooling for her.

"What are you doing, mother is going to kill you, Ema!" she calls the maiden "where you crying?"


"don't be stupid and lie to me, I'm sorry I called you a pig, because you are not, we will shine tonight and if one of those two don't see what I see, well their loss."

"Why you are being nice?"

"Mother is driving me crazy."

"I figured"

The maiden enters and helps me get ready, when we were to go out Susan reminds me to take my glasses off. I left them in my bed, we walked downstairs to our parents that were waiting by the door.

"How beautiful my daughters are" our father says. 

We go out and get in the carriage, it started moving the bumps from the road always gets me dizzy and more without my glasses. 

"Ok I got their names from one of my friends, Is Jonathan and Raymond" my mother said.

"Ugly names" Susan said looking out the window.

"I already want to go home."

"Shush! both of you, I hope a perfect performance tonight, you two are not the only ones looking for the new man's attention, I think every single one of the girls tonight will be behind them, so I want an exceptional behavior."

"Yes mother" we both said. 

This night will be a nightmare.

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