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Next morning in the Winchester house, Jonathan woke up early and in a great mood. Greeting every staff member on his way. He went to take breakfast with his father.

"Good morning Father"

"Somebody is in a great mood." 

"Yes, that party was revealing."

"Really because for me it was like you weren't even there."

"Well Father I was there, helping a lady in distress."

"Cut the crap Jonathan, you ditched the party I threw for both of you, but don't worry I will do plenty more, we are on mating season."

Raymond enters the room. With a bread on his hand, he took a bite before sitting next to Jonathan.

"Good morning"

"a difference from you, your brother did his work finding a lady, isn't right son?"

"Oh yeah"

Jonathan just stood there thinking. "I got to go" he just got up and went outside.

"Ok, see you later Father" Raymond said standing up to follow Jonathan.

Jonathan went to the garden straight up to the labyrinth, he stopped at the sight of a pair of women shoes. Raymond was behind him.

"Those are women shoes?"

"Yes, and we are going to return them."


"Yes, weren't you courting the red head last night?"

"What? no, not my type, she speaks to much and about ordinary stuff, she bores me, I just was covering for you"

"Well, I need another cover, we are going to pay a visit to your red head friend."

They got prepared and got on a carriage. went to the Leeborck's family small mansion, not to big but neither small. A big yellow one, with a nice piece of field on its back, close to the forest. A humble size for a middle-class Family. They knock on the front door and a maid opens up.

"Good morning is miss Emilia available this morning." 

The maid stood there like on shook. "Oh, and miss, hmm what was her name?"


"Oh, right yes give me a second."

She closes the door and they waited like a minute when she opened back the door.

"Come in please"

They entered the house it had a beautiful entrance, flowers and paintings on each wall, nice carpet.

"follow me please" said the maid

They followed her down the hall and went in a room at their left. there was Susan and Emilia's mother with both of them as well. Emilia didn't have her glasses on.

"Good morning, Mister Winchester" said their mom.

"Oh, please just Jonathan and Raymond. You don't have to be so formal."

"Oh, so modest, so what brings you here Jonathan, if You don't mind me asking?" she said throwing killer looks to both of her daughters.

"Well, I came back to see if miss Emilia's was alright, I study a little of medicine back at London so." 

"Oh, that's so kind of you. But what about you Mister Raymond? did you come to see Susan."

Raymond just stood there without knowing what to say. Jonathan hit him with his elbow.

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