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The next morning Emilia felt different, her first kiss, so passionate, so unique, it was perfect from her point of view, but still it felt a little off. She got out of bed, got dressed and went down the stairs. She went to the family study where her mother and sister where as usual. Her mother reading the newspaper, then a servant enters and delivers a letter to her, she open it and her face change, she went in shock.

"oh my God"

"what happen mother" Susan said

"Mr. Stone is dead, a cobra bite him last night"

I was in shock too, How can I be so lucky, the old hag is dead. I was so happy in the inside, but didn't let it show.

"I need to tell your father" our mother stood up and almost ran out of the room

"well sister, seems your still single" Susan said to me throwing herself in the sofa

"I guess"

"aren't you sad?"

"really? you are asking me that?" I said mad

"well yes, at least you had somebody"

"what did you forgot, Jonathan Winchester wanted my hand"

She laughed "he did it only out of pity"

"what do you know?"

"come on sister, you are a pig, he is too much of a man for you"

I walk angry to her. "take that back"


I slap her so hard her face turn red in an instant. "I hate you" I said so mad that the words came out of my mouth without thinking "you think you are so perfect, you know what men think when they see you, what a pretty dumb girl to fuck and leave at my house as a trophy, nothing more, not like Eric with Casandra, she's smart and he loves her for her brain not face, what do you know, besides looking pretty and play the piano, nothing"

"are you done?" she said with tears on her eyes

"No I got plenty more, but I wont waste more of your pretty time" I walk away

"At least they want me, not like you, Pig" she said before me leaving the room

I walk to my room and just cried in anger all day.

At the Winchester house, Raymond walked to his father study, with a letter on his hand.


He was looking at some papers, he lift his face to look at him. "yes son, what's the matter"

"I have a problem, its a matter of the heart"

"what do you mean?"

"I don't have affinity for the leebrock girl"

"oh well, that's a mayor problem, and why is that it? may I ask?"

"My heart already beats for another soul"

"hmm really, can I guess who?"

"what do you mean?"

"I saw you, that day, at the picnic, how you look that other Leebrock girl, what was her name, Emilia? right?"

"father" he said worried

"I know, Jonathan likes her too, and its awful to see a girl come between the two of you"

"it wont happen, I promise"

"cross your heart?"

"cross my heart"

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