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At the house of the Leebrock's Emilia woke up early. She look at the mirror first thing. Gosh Why Am I so ugly, I wish I was different, prettier like Susan. I know Raymond Likes her, he tries to deny it but I bet he fantasies about her, like me last night about them. This pair of boys make my whole system go over the top. She fixed her hair and put the dress on, everyone at her house where walking around preparing the house for the party. She went to the study where they usually hang out. Her mom was drinking tea and reading the newspaper. Her sister was talking with the tailor for a new dress.

"sister are you ordering a new dress?"

"no I'm good"

The tailor left. her sister went walking doing swirls and giving little jumps.

"why are you so happy?"

"isn't obvious, Maybe Raymond will make our courtship official today, I'm so exited"

"isn't too early for that?" I say

"you are just jealous" Susan said taking her tongue out at Emilia

"I know honey, but remember to always look mysterious too, don't give so much emotion, and Emilia?"


"any luck?"

"no mother sorry, I'm just to weird, but Susan made it"

"that's not enough, you think because your sister fulfilled her duty, you are free? I don't want you spending your life here, you need to find a husband, my daughter isn't going to be the laugh of town"

I just stood there in silence. "did you hear me?"

"yes mother, but" I stopped maybe is better if I don't say

"but what?"

"nothing Ill try harder"

"good, ill give you some inspiration, your new glasses are here, but until you make one gentleman courtship you, you will use your old ones"

"but mother, I cant see really well with these"

"then work harder"

I got so mad, she is so mean, she will never understand me. I got out of there almost running, I went out and walked all the way to the woods, I was crying in rage, I wish to die, I hate this, I went to my secret place and throw my self at the water without taking my dress off. I stay under water for a while. But then My breath was getting short, I tried to go up, but my dress was to heavy, I panic and started to swim up as hard I could, but lost more air bubbles, then tried to rip my dress off, but I was fading, going weaker. Then I looked up and saw how the light got dimer and dimer. I felt my body being pulled, then warmth in my body, air. I open my eyes and spit water out. Raymond was looking at me, his eyes where so beautiful, I look down and my dress was ripped open from the front, my wet close was marking my body detail by detail. I got embarrassed and sit down with my legs up.

"is ok" he covered me with his jacket

"thank you so much" I look at him 

"it was my pleasure" he  started fixing my hair back

"what are you doing here?"

"sorry I know this is your place but I had to come, needed an escape, what about you?"

"same, this hole thing of finding a husband, is driving me crazy, I just don't ever got luck with those things, I always find  a way to mess it up"

"and you came here for"

"I dint wanted to kill my self, is just I throw my self without thinking, see I'm a mess"

"well I didn't imagine our first kiss like this so"

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