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After a while of just hugging, we just came back to the party without saying more. I felt so awkward and uncomfortable. Two handsome men are interested in me. In me, like there's about hundreds  of other girls, much prettier and they like me. The party ended and everyone walked out, I notice my mother and Father where at the studio with Susan, she was crying.

"what's going on?" I ask as I walk in

"that prick, Raymon told your sister that he is not interested in her no more" My mother said mad

"is a shame, I will go and speak to their father tomorrow morning" Father said

Oh no this is about me I thought "I'm so sorry Susi, don't worry there plenty man out there"

"But I want him"

"speaking of wish, I got a prospect for you, I knew already that you wouldn't succeed so I started my search, A gentleman from the other side of town just widowed and his looking for a bride, so I invited him to meet you tomorrow "

My heart stopped, but I know I cant say nothing. "ok mother"

I went to my room and cried to my pillow, my mother is always so strict with me, I just hope is not an old man. I put my nightgown and went to sleep.

At the Winchester house the boys seemed anxious , they didn't talk to each other in all the ride back. They changed and went to bed. Next morning they had breakfast as usual, Raymond leaves first and went to the garden.

"why you guys are so quiet this morning?" father ask Jonathan

"we are just tired, if you excuse me" he stood up and walked to the garden too.  He saw Raymond in front of the memorial of his mother, putting new flowers.

"since when?"

"since when what?"

"you know"

"I guess it just happened, don't know when it started"


"isn't obvious, she's genuine"

"I don't want to fight over a girl, but you know how difficult is for me to actually find someone that I like, and I saw her first"

"what? oh yeah, I would've  saw her first but I was covering for you, do you remember?"

"Raymond you can have anybody, please just find another girl"

"no, I want her"

"fine then none of us will"


Then Their father went out and he looked mad.

"Raymond" he sounded mad "is it true, that you let down the leebrock girl?"

"yes father"

"why I thought you liked her"

"is just, we didn't quite connect"

"well her father just talked to me because his daughter is crying her eyes out, now you be a man and go there and apologize, give her flowers or something"

"yes father"

"now!" he said with a stronger tone of voice

"want to come?"


They both got dressed and went to the leebrock house, the maid opened the door and guided them to the living room. There was an old man kissing Emilia's hand, he looked like 60 years old. He left the room, Emilia look sad and disgusted at the same time. 

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