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At the Winchester house Jonathan arrives to his house full of happiness, a big smile from ear to ear. Raymond was waiting for him at the entrance door. But he didn't look happy.

"brother" he tells Raymond

"I see you look happy, so that means Emilia must be fine"

"she is"

"good, now lets talk about my feelings in this case"

"what do you mean?"

"what do I mean? Didn't we agreed that none of us will have Emilia since both of us want her" he said mad

"I know and that haven't change, I just went to see how she was"

"yes and spent the night with her"

"are you implying that I slept with her?" Jonathan raised his voice

"no never, I know she wouldn't"

"oh because you know her that much? yes because you think I haven't notice the secret hang outs you have done with her"

Vermont was walking down the stairs and heard the two of them fighting.

"Enough!" he said dominant

They Both look at their father direction and look down again. Vermont walked fast towards them. "are you fighting over a girl?"

"No father is just"

"nothing Jonathan, I heard enough of this matter,
unbelievable, we are solving this, right now, the three of us will go to the leebrock house and put and end to this"

"what do mean father?"

"the both of you will fight for that girls hand but in the right way, I don't want any secrets or wrong agreements, this will be a fair play, the girl will choose at the end, who she wants, I will not see my only two sons fighting for something so arbitrary"

They got ready and head to the Leebrock's house, they gathered at Malcom's study. All of them, Sandra, Emilia, Malcom, Vermont, Jonathan and Raymond.

"Mister vermont, is there's a problem, why this so sudden meeting"

"Yes so sorry and without notice, I thank you for receiving us"

"no problem at all"

"I have a concern about our off springs, it is seems that my two boys are in love with your daughter Emilia"

Emilia looked down out of embarrassment. "what!" Sandra said impressed

"yes and I suggests a debate for her hand, let them courtship her and filled her with gifts and parties, impress her with anything that in their young minds will come, to give honor to your daughter hand"

"I'm left without words, this is a first time for me, but is not up for me to decide, is Emilia, if she agrees"

Everyone looks at Emilia's direction. She looks at everyone's face, nervous she fixes her hair. "Me?" she says

"yes you" her mother insists

"Its fine with me, I guess, I don't want to cause any problems"

"Don't worry Miss you wont, but I say to put a time limit, three months, and you will decide who to marry, its that's fine?"


"perfect, it is done, tonight we celebrate, a mascaraed ball at my place"

"sounds delightful" Sandra said

"well, we off for today" Vermont said and part his way out with the boys

When they where out of the house Sandra exploded with joy. "oh my god, will you imagine that, my daughter got the two Winchester boys, incredible, no wonder why Raymond and Susan didn't last, he was in to you from the start"

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