17- (18+)

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Its been two days since what happened and still Jonathan or Raymond haven't heard from Emilia. They where having breakfast, Jonathan barely tried his food.

"son you need to eat" Vermont said to him, he was all better now

"I'm ok, can I be excused?"

"no, eat"

"But father"

"Jonathan you cant just stop your life because of some girl"

"she's not some girl" Jonathan and Raymond said at the same time

"what the hell did that girl did to the both of you"

"I'm not hungry" Jonathan stands up and walked to his room

A couple of minutes later Raymond enters the room running and happy, he had a letter on his hand

"she invited us to drink tea" he said almost jumping

Jonathan grabs the letter and read it too.

"then what are we waiting for"

They got ready and head to leebrock's house. The maid opens the door and greets them in, she took them outside, there was Emilia waiting for them sitting at the table, inside a gazebo. They basically run towards her and hugged her at the same time, Emilia moves back a little.

"sorry, it still hurts a little"

"is ok, we are sorry"

"yes we are sorry we couldn't protect you"

"is ok, it was my choice to be there, and I am sorry I didn't call you earlier, I just was taking time to rest and all"

"is ok we understand"

"I miss you" Raymond said passing his hand over her hair

"you look beautiful as always" Jonathan said

"ok that's why I didn't call you earlier, we need to talk" she sits down

They sit too.

"I wanted to put some ground rules now and on, no more kissing, or touching, you will only have 2 visits peer week, each of you, I need my free days, no pressure about who Am I choosing, understand?"

"No kissing?" Raymond says

"no touching?" Jonathan says

"yes, that's the normal thing to do"

"you are going to kill me, I was feeling like dying this two days, Can I at least hug you?" Raymond said with puppy eyes

"yes that's fine, now the courtship is serious, so work harder, I don't want to be in between the two of you no more"

After that, days went by, she went to dates, activities, parties, with both of them, but the decision just was  more harder. a full month passed, she saw side of them she never seen before, and she loved being with them, they still meet at the cabin to train, Emilia was getting better at fighting. Thier relationship was more fluent when the three of them are together. Another month went by, now she only had a couple of weeks to make a decision. But how, she just notice she loved them both so dearly, she was herself with them, she felt complete. Inside of her she wanted to have them both, as friends and as lovers. Today she has a date with Raymond he took her for a trip, to an museum in a different city, there they watch paints and art. Then he took her to a library, he bought her books, later on they went to walk in some ruins, as they where walking Emilia miss step and he grabbed her from the part she had her wound, she grunted in pain.

"sorry Emi"

Is ok rayee"

"do you know who used to call me like that?"

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